Follow The Path

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Here we stay,
We do not follow,
Unless we want too,
A religion is not who we are,
Be kind and be brave,
Don't be gullible or become a coward,
Stand strong but don't be rude.
—I'm Just Over Being Angry—
Someones poisoned me,
Like an evil eye coming  to  haunt with the young bitterness,
How could I let it consumed my all,
Well at least my heart,
Burning flesh while I cut my hand into the Bunsen burner,
Sipping my tea like it has no effect on me.
—Fountain Of Roses—
A dying fate of words,
Words that may have been heard of before,
On those lips of yours,
That could of been a dagger,
That fatal blow,
Left everyone speechless,
In the field of Warriors grows a fountain of roses.
—Man Has No Love—
The embrace of gravity beneath my feet,
Slamming harshly against the broken gravel,
Sprinting towards you,
For no reason but love,
Don't fool for love when it don't love you,
Look at your face,
Purple; green stone got you now!
—Frizzy Grey Hair—
Come by,
Sweet please,
Ridding on a Sunday morning saying everything is fine; Waiting for old friends to arrive,
On that good winter night singing karaoke,
That was good times,
We didn't know we would get this far,
Now we are sipping on our teas and knitting,
Snitching on Billy Jean and getting high on muffins!

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