Andre Egwu

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A/N: This is my first Andre story, and I have to say, I'm proud of this one. I mean I can't be the only one who gets sassy vibes from Andre. I always assumed that he won't be the oblivious guy if a girl had a crush on him...😏


“You need to stop worrying so much Curse-Breaker! You'll be fine!” Andre says as he forces you into a Y/H Quidditch robe. “I like the idea already! You'd look great in the full uniform.” he said.

“Andre, you can't be serious!” You say waving your arms about. “Not only will quidditch distract me from the Cursed Vaults, but being a beater? I can't handle the bludger! Remember during the Ravenclaw VS Gryffindor match a few months ago when the bludger crashed right into the Y/H stands and almost on Rowan!?”

“All the more reason to have a new beater. Maybe stuff like that won't happen again with you on the team.”

“Andre I don't wanna break my arm!!!” You whine.

“You were so excited about this last week Y/N.”

“That was before Rowan gave me all the encyclopedic knowledge about the Bludger and all the documented cases of injured and killed players because of it! She freaked me out!”

Andre at this point was force pulling you to the quidditch tryouts.

“You… break… curses in Hogwarts… and get into… all sorts of messes… and you're worried… about the Bludger!?”


“NO! No way Y/N! I am not letting you chicken out of quidditch!” Andre said, pulling you harder. You nearly lost your balance. Wow… he's really strong, you think.

“You are strong and can beat the Bludger back! The Y/H quidditch team could use a beater like you! I believe in you Y/N Y/L/N!”

A light blush appeared on your face. Did he just say he believed in you?

“Y… You believe in… me?” You stammer and stop struggling.

“I really do. You'll do great Curse-Breaker!” he smiled at you.

You thought for a moment. “Then that's all I need.” You say smiling back.

You get to the tryouts at the quidditch pitch, all ready to practice hitting the Bludger. It was Madam Hooch's idea, for your flying skills had really improved. You had your gloves and bat, and the box with the quidditch balls sat in the middle of the field. Madam Hooch had recommended the position of seeker for you, but you didn't want the team's win to depend on you. Also, you were afraid you weren't going to be able to spot the tiny Golden Snitch during a hasty match.

Andre stood by as Madam Hooch spoke to you about the dangers of handling the Bludger. You were a little shaken up, but you didn't want to turn back now. Andre was a great quidditch player, and if he believed in you, you knew you'd be fine.

As he was already on the quidditch team, Andre turned to leave the tryouts. You immediately grabbed his arm and stopped him.

“Wait! Stay here please? I need some support. I'm a little scared and I'd feel better if you were here.”

He gave you a toothy smile. “Alright. It's not like I have anything better to do.” He says and shrugs. “I'll do you one better. Just let me borrow a broom from Madam Hooch.”

You raised an eyebrow. “What? Why?”

“I see you're the only one trying out for beater today. You need someone to practice with.” He answers and gives you a wink. You giggle a bit before he goes to talk to Madam Hooch.

After an hour or so of beating the Bludger back and forth, Madam Hooch officially made you the beater of the Y/H quidditch team. Andre obnoxiously screamed for five whole minutes to cheer you, ending with giving you a great big hug. You were too excited to play quidditch to blush.

“I knew you could do it Curse-Breaker! Madam Hooch isn't normally this happy about giving someone a quidditch position.” Andre says as you go towards the changing rooms.

“Believe me Andre, I could only do it because you were there with me. I didn't think I was good enough for quidditch.”

“Whatever made you think that Curse-Breaker? Don't say Merula, she knows better than to insult you now.”

“Not Merula. She's matured a bit now. Just me. I… didn't think I was good enough…”

“Well you have to change that now that you're officially the beater of the Y/H quidditch team! I knew you could do it! And I'm quite excited to see you in the full uniform. I predict you'd look stunning!”

You get a visibly dark blush this time. “T… Thanks… Andre.”

“So now that we're free, you want to go get a butterbeer with me? Let's celebrate you joining the quidditch family! My treat for my favorite Curse-Breaker Quidditch player!” Andre says excitedly.

“Y… Yeah! Sure! I'd like that.” You say with you hands behind you and swaying on your feet.

Andre notices your demeanor and chuckles. You curiously look at him.

“You're holding back, aren't you?”

“W… What are you-”

“Come on… give it here.” He says smiling and pointing to his cheek.

You are a bit alarmed as to how he knew, but well, who am I to complain? You thought. You gave him a quick peck on his cheek, and retreated with an even darker blush, not looking him in the eye.

Andre frowned at your very hesitant kiss, and instantly pulled up your face to meet your eyes and give you a kiss right smack on your lips. Your eyes were bulging out their sockets whole time, and when he pulled back you looked at him in a complete daze.

He smirked. “Oh come now Y/N, we both know you wanted AND liked that.” He said, amused at your frazzled expression. You said nothing.

“Now about that celebratory butterbeer-”

You shook your head. “YES! Uhh… right.”

Does this count as a date? You thought to yourself.

As if he read your mind- “And it counts.” He said smiling brightly at you, and before you could react, he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards Hogsmeade.


A/N: I don't know if this is exactly what you wanted but I tried 😅 And I think it actually came out kinda cute.

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