|The Dream|

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Ally got home late from school...her teachers made her do more homework then the other kids. So she went straight to bed without any dinner. 

"Ally! Ally! Wake up!" 

Ally slowly opened her eyes to find that she wasn't in her bedroom. She outside in a field full of flowers. 

"Ally! Over here!" 

Another voice called. Ally turned her head to a couple having a picnic. She walked to them slowly. 

"There you are! We were worried about you silly!" 

The girl said. 

"You were?" 

Ally asked, confused. 

"Yeah! Sit with us!" 

The boy said. 

Ally sat down. The girl picked a plate of sandwiches up. 

"Would you like one? I made them just for you! Hazelnut and jelly sandwiches are you favorite right?" A

Ally took one quickly. 

"Slow down,  Ally. It's not going anywhere!" 

The boy said, smiling. 

After Ally was done eating she laid on her back and looked at the sky. 

"So Ally....what's life like in your world?" 

The boy said. 

"Horrible....people mistreat me there....the call me an Alien just because of my mark on my arm!" 

She sat up and showed them the mark. 

"A star marking?" 

The boy asked. 

"It's unfair how everyone treats me....just because I'm different!" 

They girl and boy look at each other. 

"We actually have a surprise for you!" 

The girl said. 

"You do?" 

The boy took something out of his pocket and handed to Ally. 

"A sliver Key?" The girl nodded. 

"It can open another world!" 

The girl said. 

Ally sat up. 

"You're kidding?!" 

The girl smiled. 

"No we're not....we know how hard it is for you so....we just want to help you!" 

She said. Ally wrapped her hand around the key tightly. 

"But! What if I lose it!" 

The boy took something out of his pocket again and took the key back for a minute. He then showed what he made to Ally. 

"A necklace?!" 

The boy nodded. 

"Make sure to never take it off! Ok?" Ally smiled. "I won't! Thank you!" They girl and boy smiled back. 

"We made a trail in the forest to the gateway. Go there when you get up! And keep in mind...the world you gonna see is filled with danger! But I'm sure you will make lots of new friends there too!" 

The girl said. Ally nodded and stood up. She then bowed. 

"Thank you so much! I will go to the gateway right away!" 

The girl and boy nodded. 

"We will see you soon, Ally" The boy said, smiling.

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