Chapter 4

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Ethan's POV

I can't see anything. Where am I? Why in the world is it so dark here? What happened to me? I feel like I have 3 choices which are stay here in the darkness, find a way out or be in peace forever. Well as I said. WHERE THE HELL AM I? Oh wait no one can here me since there is no one here. After a while I see light. And here someone's voice.

"Please Ethan....miss you." Who is talking to me. 


Who? Slowly I began to open my eyes. Again where am I? Why am I in a bed? Why do I have cords attached to my body. And with that I finally caught the man's attention. I also saw Owen there.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in a hospital." Owen replied.

"How are you feeling Ethan?" The man asked.

"I feel fine." I replied.

"Doctor Williams...." Owen started. The doctor simply nodded in response. And with that Owen left me alone with the doctor.

"Ethan I have a few questions for you." The doctor spoke. "Do you remember what happened?" 

I shook my head. "Do you remember anything prior to 2 weeks?" I shook my head again. The doctor seemed frustrated. Why?

"What happened to me?" I asked.

"You were shot to the head and you have been in a coma for 2 weeks." The doctor replied. "And the last question, would you be willing to stay at my house for a while, just to keep a close eye on you before I release you to live on your own."

"I don't mind but....." I started to speak.

"But, what?" Mr. Williams as I decided to call him spoke.

"I'm gay." I added.

"Well that's fine. It's not new to me, my son is gay. Oh, call me Scott." He replied.

Wait Scott as in Scott Williams, Silver Vipers former leader. No it can't be. Before he leaves I have to ask.

"I have a question, it's a yes or no answer. And can you please reply honestly. Were you a part of the Silver Vipers more like a former leader." I spoke.

"How do you know about that? Yes I was a part of the gang." Scott replied.

Oh my god. I still can't believe that this is happening.

Scott's POV

I called Owen to tell him to come immediately to the hospital. After Owen arrived Ethan was fully awake. I stood away from the two to let them talk and then Owen left. After he left I asked a few questions and none of them gave me a good sign.

When Ethan told me he was gay, I was shocked. But I tried my best to hide it. I didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. And I replied that my son is gay too. Which is not a lie he is and he has a boyfriend. But my wife, didn't take it so well, she started abusing my son when I was at work.

Flashback to his childhood.

"Scott, sweetie can you come down."My mother called.

I went down and the atmosphere was heavy. I was 11 at this time turning 12 in a few weeks. What was this about? Usually my parents don't even bother to call me down unless something was important.

"Son, we want you to meet someone who will be your wife. After you turn 14 you will marry this girl. And no complains." My father spoke.

So I don't get a say about my sexuality. I am not straight never have been and never will be. But I don't want to get into trouble. After a few days of dating with this girl I find out that she is 15, 3 years older than me but we covered the fact that she was since I was taller and more mature looking for my age. One day she told me that she wanted to do more than kissing and holding hands. I wasn't ready for this.

"Do it with me, or I will tell your parents that you are not straight. I wonder what will happen." She threatened me. But I was only 11 years old. We did it, regardless of my knowledge and she guided me. Few weeks had gone by and she was wondering why she wasn't on her thing. After she bought a pregnancy test, it  came out positive. My parents were about to be grandparents and I was about to be a father. I told her to get an abortion. But she refused and told my father that I was into guys more than girls even if I was bisexual. My father didn't take it so well. Every day my mom and my soon to be wife would go out for shopping the abuse would start. Even if it meant him having to take time off work and come home personally to beat the crap out of me and  teach me that being anything other than straight was wrong. 

But it wasn't....

End of flashback.

Ethan snapped me out of my train of thoughts and asked if I was the former leader of the Silver Vipers.

"How do you know about me?" I asked.

"Do you remember the time when you gave a little homeless boy a shelter after being kicked out of his own gang?" He replied.

"Yeah, wait that was you. I have been looking for you the entire time. People told me that you disappeared." I added.

"Well, not entirely false." He answered.

"Ethan Meyers, do you still have feelings for me?" I questioned.







Dangerous LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora