The hero then pushed the box all the way to the side and was shocked at what he saw, behind it there was a small section of bricks missing from the wall that lead to a room likely no more than three by five feet big. There wasn't much just a small bag with a couple scraps of bread, a pile of blankets in the corner furthest from the open wall, and some scraps of paper with attempts at writing and math on it. 'Was this where she lived?' he asked himself before replacing the box and returning to the where the girl was.

Eraserhead's long legs and capture weapon allowed him to get there before the darkly shaded snake returned. It he could see where the absent snake's base was on her head and he could see its head coming from around the corner at the end of the street. Flicking his eyes to the young girls pale face he was disappointed to find that she was still crying, at this point he just wanted to leave the work to Mic and Midnight and just go home and sleep but there was a tiny bit of him that wanted to know what was with her, why did she have bandages on her face? why did the snake go into that small room? Why did the girl keep crying? Why were the snakes so protective? He needed the answers and he couldn't get them by sleeping.

Mic pulled his sleeve and pointed to the snake that now was nudging the girls hands and trying to bring her attention to the package wrapped within its scaled body, it hissed at her and then the rest of them started hissing as well. She took the small animal into her hands and brought it to her face, nuzzling it against her smooth pale skin. Her sobbing slowed as she held the stuffed toy and the snakes hissed and flicked their tongues. It was like she could understand them and they were comforting her.

It took a while, nearly forty five minutes since she initially started calming down, to calm down completely. Midnight had taken to sitting right next her and being a shoulder to lean on like a mother would be.

When she stopped crying and hiccuping Eraserhead sauntered over to her lazily and sat on her other side, one of the snakes looked about ready to bite him when another stopped its companions attack.

"What's your name?" he questioned quietly and slowly so as no to startle her.

The snakes made as if to answer him when a quiet, slightly rough voice answered "I...Ish..i....Ishi" it sounded as if she rarely used her voice that or she hadn't at all in a very long time.

"What were you doing here?"

"Gr...ocer..ies" he had to be patient to get the answer which was something he wasn't particularly fond of.

"Why were you crying?"

"I....Ki..lle...ed....hi..m" she choked out, seeming like she was going to cry again. The snakes's hissing began once again and Midnight started rubbing her back in a calming manner.

"Can we take the bandages off?" the snakes stopped their doting and snapped towards him, mouths open and poison dripping once more. He assumed this meant no but he was still curious for her answer.

"No" it was the first thing shes said without stuttering or choking so he felt he should take it as a win but he wanted to find out more about her.


"I...don..t....wan..t t..o....k...ill...y..ou..too" so whatever she did to the man had something to do with either the bandages or her eyes, he liked the information he was getting.

"Did your eyes turn the man into a statue?" he inquired.

"Yes" she burried her covered eyes into her now drawn up knees.

"HEY ERASERHEAD I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING" Mic shouted accidentally using his quirk and making everybody present wince. "SHE'S LIKE THAT GREEK GORGON MONSTER, WITH THE SNAKES AND THE STATUES, I BET SHE TURNED THE DUDE TO STONE" Eraserhead turned to her, who knew that Mic could be so useful.

"Is that why you won't let us remove the bandages, you don't want us to turn to stone?"

She nodded then whispered "I ..wa...s,..I..did...n't....wa..nt" her voice was fading, she hadn't spoken this much in such a long time, she couldn't keep it up for much longer.

"By home do you mean that room behind the box?"

She looked shocked for a minute before nodding. He sighed, "well we can't let you keep living there, especially with such a dangerous quirk, damn what should we do with you?" he questioned more to himself than anyone else.

"We could take her!" Midnight said jumping up. "I've always wanted a daughter and I bet Nezu wouldn't mind!" hearing that Mic piped up, the idea of having another body in the U.A. teacher apartment buildings was more than exciting and someone who got Eraserhead to stay at an emergency site for more than fifteen minutes was someone who needed to be kept nearby.

Ishi made no movement to refuse just seemed slightly upset. "Alright, then it's settled I will call Nezu on the way, Mic go pic up her stuff, since she didn't have much I'll bet she's attached to all of it" Eraserhead wrote the directions on a small scrap of paper before handing it to his long blonde haired friend. Then he pushed Ishi towards Midnight's outstretched hands. He left her in Midnights care and watched as they headed to the car without him, then he pulled out his phone.

"Hey Nezu, we got a situation here"

"Ah hello Aizawa, what's going on"

"There's a kid, she turned some scum into stone, she doesn't have anywhere to go so Midnight wants the kid to live with us"

"I assume there's something about the child that makes Foster Care a no-go" Nezu is suddenly more serious than he was before.

"She's got snakes, like Medusa from that weird foreign myth, nobody would want her and the snakes try to attack anyone who comes near her except weirdly enough, Midnight and at first me, she covers her eyes in bandages but I guess they came off and she accidentally killed the attacker, she doesn't talk much and she's pretty upset"

"I see, I guess she can live with us if that's what you three deem to be best, what's her name?"

"Whoever gave birth to her sure has some sense of humor, It's 'Ishi'"

"It must be like a cruel punch in the face to her, every time she tries to forget her power she gets reminded just from her name, I will see you soon Aizawa" the mentioned man turned back to the waiting car and started toward it.

A.N. To explain the last thing, I was looking for a word that means "rock" for her name because well, her parent (s) hated her and what would be better than to just shove that into her face? So according to my search "Ishi" is one of the forms of rock in Japanese.

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