Visions, Poetry, and Lullabies

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               It's A Secret, Chapter 3: Visions, Poetry, and Lullabies

I love when we run and play.
Every night, and every day.
I hope and hope and hope you'll stay
'Cause I have so many words to say
If I'm allowed, and I may
Listen to me while I lay
I love the times we ran and played
And I love you every single day.

-Bethany Secret

I wonder what things are like in other worlds. Are they the same? Are they different? I think about it all the time....

I laid down in my bed. I, unlike many, many demons, need sleep. It is essential to me because it is the only time I have to sort secrets and keep track of them. I fell asleep, but while I was sorting all the magic secret keys of light, I was interrupted by a vision. It was quite unusual for me to get these. In this vision, I was older. Much older. My eyes were as white as snow and just as cold. They glew, but they did not glitter. My third eye was wide and open, and I rose into the sky. Below me were people. They were completely colorless. They acted as zombies as they followed my every command. It wasn't too long after that I realized it was a nightmare, and not a vision at all. I wanted to wake up, but I felt trapped. My vision changed and above my floating body that commanded all the people, were shadows. They seemed to be controlling me. Their eyes were filled with malice, and grins were on their faces. They showed no signs of mercy as they made me make the people march. I wondered where they were marching, why they were marching, but I woke up. I sat in my bed, and felt very uneasy. It was supposed to mean something. I know it was. I stumbled out of bed and picked up my books on dreams and sleep, and the study of the mind, and I went onto my roof. Despite the cold, I quite liked it. I felt so high that I could touch the stars. They were, of course, out of my reach, but I just know someday I'll touch them. I stretched my wings and opened the book. I flipped through some pages. By now the cold had woken me up completely, and I was alert. I breifly stared at the stars once more, before continuing my reading. After a while of searching, I stumbled across a page that might help me.

If you see shadows in your dreams, it can mean a multitude of things. It could mean that your trust is low and you feel as though people are creeping up on you. It may also mean that something in your life will sneak up on you when you least expect it. It could also mean that you feel weak among a world of people whom seem superior. Shadows in dreams usually mean bad things and bad vibes.

I sighed. All of those applied to me. Now I'm a bit afraid. In an attempt to comfort myself before I continued figuring things out, I quietly sang a lullaby I had wrote.

"Somewhere out there, is a world beyond imagination. A place of pure creation, where you are free. Birds will be singing, bells will be ringing, and things will be out in the open to see. Somewhere out there, alone or together. Somewhere out there, the weight on your shoulders is only a feather.. in somewhere"

I smiled to myself. Music always made me feel better. Even though it was forbidden here, I adored it. However, I needed to finish figuring this out. I kind of wished that Zephr was there to help me. I continued flipping, occasionally finding other interesting things, but mainly finding things I needed to know now. All the words soon became too much, and I felt as if my head was spinning. Perhaps tomorrow I can finish. I closed up my books, and went back inside. I quietly sat at my table, thinking about things, before I had an idea. I was going to write a poetry book! I would not allow anyone to see though, of course. I wouldn't do this today, because I already had a headache, but I knew I would first thing in the morning. I wondered what Zephr was doing, and my question was quickly answered when I heard a knock on my window. I had opened it, and was greeted by the lovely face of Zephr. I let him in, and he breifly looked around, before looking at me. I asked how come he decided to come now. He simply said that he got bored, and wondered what I was doing. I quietly giggled, because that was exactly what I had been doing. We both ended up going onto my roof, just like we always did when we talked. Something he was talking about sparked my memory, and I reached into my dress pocket, and took out a monacle. I smiled and stood up. I walked towards him, and took his hand. I opened it, placed the monacle inside, then closed his fingers over it. It took him a couple seconds to realise what I gave him. He smiled. "Aw, neat" I had nodded. "It was once my father's. I don't have much of a use for it, so I figured you would like it. Now you could be a true gentleman" I joked. He chuckled at my comment, and put it on. We then talked about the world. I told him how I wished to be like a bird. To be free. We couldn't be like that here. He mentioned something else, and then I asked him a question. "Have you ever been to another world? A world like how I described?" I couldn't help but ask such a thing. To my surprise, he nodded. I tugged on his sleeve, and practically begged him to tell me about it. We talked about it for hours. "One day, I wish to see that world" i said, smiling. He nodded, and seemed to think. "You will someday" we both smiled, and it got quiet. He then checked the time, and said that he had to go. That was it. I think about that night a lot.

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