The Philosophy of A Child

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              It's A Secret, Chapter Two: The Philosophy of A Child

I was 2 when I witnessed my father's demise. My mother was  looking violent as ever. I didn't quite understand what had happened until a little bit after. Two year old logic, I thought she was only playing. It was only when I saw the look on her face and my father on the floor that I realized she was not playing. Elliot Secret ceased, and it was because of my mother. She wasn't that violent. I don't know what happened. Perhaps it was the Council who changed her. The last thing I remember from that day was staring at my father in pure terror. He looked so peaceful, but the massacre around him told a tale even a two year old could understand. I prefer to not remember it. It's a secret I bury deep inside my head, and wish to forget. It always comes back eventually. My mother was ruthless and the furthest thing from a loving, caring figure. In the Council's eyes, she was perfect. At home it was a different story. She enforced the rules so vigourously that if I broke a single one by the slightest bit, I'd be punished. I never fit in with the rest of society, so I was punished for that too. My whole life I was punished because I did not belong. I was told my diversity made me an ugly creature, that I should curl up and die. My mother said these things too. To her, I was merely an object. Perhaps a chess piece. A pawn. She would move me wherever she pleased, not caring about what it would do to me. The only reason she kept me around is because the Council wanted some use of me in the future. My whole life was pretty awful, until I met him. Sure me and Angel were besties and she helped me a lot, but nobody in this whole world understood me more than Mr.Unnamed. I remember everything about meeting him. His first name, how I felt, all of it. It went something like this:

She was 5, and she was running around freely. She had ran off from her mother so she could have some freedom for a while, knowing she'd be punished later. She was having so much fun, she didn't seem to notice the boy that she had just ran into and knocked over. She stood up and helped him up immediately. "I'm so very sorry. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!" She said, almost in tears. He looked a bit confused. "Why are you sorry?" Bethany blinked. "You're not mad at me? You won't tell my mother???" The little boy shook his head. He was a year older than her. Bethany's feeling of dread faded, as she studied this boy. She whispered. "Are you different too? Do they hate you for your eyes?" His eyes were black, with white pupils. They were in their human form because demons this young were easier to find in human than in demon form. He shook his head, but then nodded a tiny bit. "Sometimes. But I don't let them. I yell at them. I scare them. I like my eyes. They're cool" Bethany thought about it, and just in that moment, her mind opened up to a perspective she had never seen before. "They don't hurt you because you don't let them?" He simply nodded. She gasped. "Could you teach me? I'm Bethany" He went silent for a moment, before he nodded. "Yes. And Zephr. You should go, your mom" he pointed out, before leaving. After that, she was forced home. Home was where you had a choice to be a demon or a human form. Bethany went into her demon form, because things hurt less that way. It didn't matter how many times she'd be punished for it. She would see him again. He opened up a world of thoughts she never had, and to her, it was the greatest thing.

It turns out, I'd be the only one to remember the name Zephr. I think it was because of a secret key I pulled from my eye once. Either way, he did something to make his name be forgotten, and I seemed to be the only one unnaffected. Well. Maybe some of his siblings remember. He told me about them once. One of them was Mr.NeverTell, or as I was told, Xalex. The other was a girl. Her name was Miss Hush, or as he told me, Yrei. Those were unique names. Common here though. I had an abnormal name for here, because my father named me. My name is Bethany. I would have been called Wyxa apparently, by my mother. I prefer Bethany. Wouldn't you? Wyxa is kind of nice, but Bethany has a better ring to it. She would call me Wyxa, but I refuse to answer to the name, so I've forced her to call me by my birth name. I am many things. I'm half demon, half angel, (but don't ask how, I wouldn't know) I'm different. I'm a female, I'm trapped. I'm many things, but I'm not a fool. Maybe a coward, but when I want to be, I'm brave. I can be anything. Just not here. Someday things will change. Someday this world will meet it's demise. I know exactly how it'll happen. Someone will get tired of this place and it's existence eventually. The only question is, who?

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