The Cunning Disguise

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"Oh, dear mushrooms," Blooey muttered.

Jerry did not hear that particular comment. "Right, then, let's all work together to create a unique and effective plan! I'm sure we all have tons of ideas! Let's share them!"


Some tumbleweed rolled along outside as crickets chirped.

"...No?" Jerry said timidly.

"Nope," Goom said.

"Nothing," Koop said.

"No idea," Shy said.

"...Oh. Well, I was kind of relying on everyone else for the ideas." Jerry revealed, blushing.

Luigi racked his brains as hard as he could, but nothing was coming to him.

Jerry decided to use a rousing speech. "Really, nothing? Come on, guys! We need some sort of plan if we want to infiltrate Hizza's lair and rescue the women in our lives! Including... mine... The chief's counting on us to save his wife and daughter, too!"

No good, there's nothing I can think of, Luigi thought.

Come on... come on... Wait. Wait, wait. "Wife...?"

Wife. That one word sent Luigi's brain into overdrive, slotting all the puzzle pieces into place, until finally...

"I've got it!!" Luigi screamed, leaping high up out of his chair.

Everyone stared at him.

"Errr, sorry, ehehe... But seriously, I've got a plan. It's ridiculous, it's stupid, it's awful, but it just might work!" Luigi exclaimed.

"You're not making it sound very good." Blooey said dryly.

Luigi scowled and ignored the comment.

"Yes, well, anyway. Hizza wants maidens, right? So if I disguised myself as his bride, you guys could offer me to Hizza and we could get access straight into his lair!" Luigi explained.

Blooey choked on his tea.

".......You're joking, right?" He said, horrified.

"Oh, yes! It's so... horribly disturbing that it's brilliant!" Jerry shouted.

"So, then, has anyone got any wedding dresses I could wear?" Luigi inquired.

"Oh, he's serious." Blooey realised, face palming.

"I believe I just might have one laying around," Jerry said.

Jerry rushed off, and soon enough, he returned with a wedding dress.

"This is my wife's old one, but I don't know if it'll fit you. She was a Koopa, after all." Jerry explained.

Never heard of a Bob-omb and a Koopa getting married, before. That's strangely convenient. Luigi thought.

He hurried upstairs. It took a while, but eventually he was able to get the wedding dress on.

"It's... err... a bit tight, but... it'll work." Luigi said as he returned to the room.

"Dear mushrooms, give me strength," Blooey muttered.

"Oh, goodness," Goom exclaimed.

"It's awful," Koop agreed.

"Worst plan ever," Shy commented,

"Yes, it's horrific, but it's all we've got, so you'll just have to get used to it!" Jerry told them.

"Well, I think we're all ready. Let's go, then," said Luigi as he and Jerry left the room. The others eventually, reluctantly, doubtfully followed.

Jerry joined your party!


As they made to leave, Ol' Koopa suddenly exited his house and came over to see them.

"What's goin' on here, then?" Ol' Koopa asked.

"Hello, Ol' Koopa! We're just going off to rescue everyone from Hizza, now," Jerry replied.

Ol' Koopa looked at Luigi and Blooey.

"Aftah everythin' I said to you... You're still gonna help?" Ol' Koopa said in disbelief.

"Yes, of course. After all, I couldn't save your daughter, and I need to make it up to you. Besides, lots of other ladies need saving, as well, and I can't just ignore that!" Luigi explained.

Ol' Koopa shed a tear. "Thank ya, Luigi. I'm sorry 'bout what I said. Ya really are the legendary hero. You, Blooey, Jerry, whoever those other three are... good luck!" He told them all.

"Thank you, we won't let you down!" Luigi shouted.

"Off we go! I shall lead the way to Hizza's lair! I have been scouting out the area occasionally, so I think I have an idea where it is." Jerry explained.

Luigi tripped over with a "Woah!"

"I have absolutely no hope in this plan, you know," Blooey replied.

Luigi struggled to his feet, with no help from Blooey.

"Oh come on, don't be so pessimistic. You've been really snarky today," Luigi replied.

"Yes, Luigi, but you're wearing a wedding dress," Blooey pointed out.

And that was the end of that.

As they exited Plumpbelly Village and returned to the Fields, Luigi realized that he was, indeed, wearing a wedding dress. And that was rather more weird than he had initially realized.

But, he had hope that this plan could work, so with that hope in mind, he continued forward.

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