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1 | No Mary/gary sues.
Remember, Hannah Montana once said nobody is perfect. And, It makes a roleplay VERY boring. So Just don't... Please and thank you.

2 | Tag me after an hour
If i don't respond then wait 3 hours and that's it. Sometimes I'll have to inspiration to write or to reply to your specific rp. On tip top of that i have school from 8:40-3:00 (UK TIME)

3 | Getting bored?
If either you or I am getting bored we should tell each other. To try and get it better or so the other isn't waiting on responce when one is bored.

4 | Role-playing style.
So we all have different ways which i understand but I'll like it literate and detailed (ish). I want at least 4-6 lines.

The girl was alone, hidden, isolated from not only the world but herself. "Help." she was only able to say. But no one ever came, no matter how hard or much she cried. She was alone, stuck. In het head.

5 | Characters being played.
So i expect at the least for you to play my crush and your own character. (I will do the same)

And if need be an extra character. Whether it's within a paragraph of writing or alone. I don't mind.

6 |Be fair.
Do not give your OC around 6-9 lines and my crush 1-3. It is so not fair and irritating. If there are 2 or 3 lines different i don't mind at all. Any more it's irritating.

7 | Not everything is about you.
If you make everything about you, I'll obviously try my best to change it. If not i will say something. Because I've tried to ignore it but i couldn't.

8 | You can request.
There will be a page specifically for requests, I'll list fandoms i have watched and if there is not a page I'll make one. Just ask. If a fandom is not on the list, ask because i could have watched it but forgotten when listing.

9 | You start.
I only want you to start, simply because i want to see your role-playing style. If we have rolepayer before hand then i have the possibility of starting. But it'll moretime be you.

10 | Time skipping
I'll accept time skipping obviously. But, if you request to time skip then i expect you to start it. Same if i requested.

11 | Role-playing expectations.
If my crush is not talking to my OC. Do not just stop role-playing as him, do not swap his character to be the person i am talking to. I expect you to do both. (And your oc obvs). If you do that I will stop role-playing with you.

12 | Another expectation.
Do not, make it where your OC are ALWAYS talking and my crush and my OC barely talk. As once again it irritsted me if you're together and mine are barely talking. I'll either stop roleplaying with you or make your crush hate you.

13 | Swearing and Smut
I will allow swearing, as long as it's tagged out. Eg. Fück, shît, diçk, åss

Smut will not happen in the book - i do not want it deleted.
So we can take it to PMs or skip.

14 | Character traits
So i will allow a few mental problems and serious illness'. If I am in a good enough state for it.

LGBTQ+ friendly, you are all welcome no matter what. Different genders and sexualities, I'm not fussed.


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