Chapter 1

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"Left three steps~" a snake hissed into the ear of a young girl. She stopped and followed the instruction effectively moving out of the way for a crowd of middle schoolers she couldn't see.

"Are we almost there?" she questions quietly.

"Still forward Ishi~" another snake replied.

"Turn right in four steps~" another instructed with the flick of a purple tongue. She kept walking then turned .

"Two steps forward~"

"One turn left~"

"Bend down~"

"Crawl forward~" the snakes took turns giving their host directions into her 'home' in the wall of an alley building. They slid under her bandages unwrapping them from around her head until they white gauze was just a pile on the floor.

The girl opened her blue-purple eyes and looked at her small makeshift room, she put a hand in front of her and waited for one of her snakes to slide into it. She showered her snakes with affection until she was tired enough to go to sleep. She fell gently onto her pile of blankets she had set up in the back corner of her small, dirty, crumbling hole in the wall she called home.

All her snakes curled up like a crown on her head and whispered "Goodnight~" before they all went into a deep sleep.

The slightly purple girl wove through town the next day her thirteen year old body making it easy to pass by people at the single direction of a forked tongue. Not that it was hard in the first place, most people tended to move out of the way when they saw a child such as her. Hair made of snakes hissing and slithering all about her head, eyes covered in dirty bandages, and a deep purple greek style toga that was tattered at the edges yet still managed to look elegant.

"Three steps right~"

"Six steps forward~"

"four more steps right~"

"Turn right~"

"Open the door~"

"Handle is in front of your left hand~"

"Milk of the left~"

"Water three steps to the right of the milk~"

"Bread on the right~"

"Granola bars next to the bread~"

The snakes had an uncanny ability to find treasure and anything shiny, so she wasn't too bad off. Well too bad off meaning that she wasn't stealing from others, she was able to buy food and occasionally, once every few years she could buy new fabric to make a new dress.

When she went up to the register the snakes hissed out to her the amount and told her to grab her purse from the inside of her dress. One of them extended to pull out the required amount and give it to the shocked and horrified cashier.

One of the snakes decided to take over and be the only one to direct Ishi while a couple others started telling her that she was beautiful, she wasn't weird, she belonged. They felt her flinch when the cashier screeched. They hadn't had time to cover his mouth like they usually would. They felt bad. They knew that the girl had difficulties with people, she didn't know why because she didn't remember. But they remembered everything, they could recall every foster home that had thrown her out within days of her arrival, all of the terrified people who had wanted to help a struggling, deserted child who were then horrified when it wasn't 'normal'.

They knew that Ishi lived in constant fear. Fear of the one monster she truly knew to exist. She was constantly afraid of the humans that lived next to her, she was afraid of herself to because she was a human, as much as her snakes may beg to differ she was still human. But she was different and her power was made only to kill.

The snakes that weren't occupied with giving directions reminded her that she hadn't hurt anyone today, her eyes were covered she wasn't going to hurt anyone. Their words stopped her shaking, it took a while and they were almost home but it stopped, she was calmer than before and when they said they were almost to her hole in the wall she almost smiled. She wasn't going to hurt anyone that day and it made her happy.

Her feet started hurting but she ignored it, blew it off as nothing more than exhaustion. She ignored the screaming going on around her, it was normal. She was in her own world now. Her feet started burning, that was when she clued into what was going on. Her snakes were hissing wildly varying versions of "RUN~" she started to run on her boiling, blistering feet but she tripped, her knees slamming onto the burning pavement. She screeched in pain. A hand grabbed onto the back of Ishi's bandages, it pulled the end loose. The perpetrator said something about a hostage, something about heroes. He didn't seem to notice her bandages slackening, but she did. She panicked. The one who had grabbed her lifted her from the burning ground, her feet were in less pain although the residual pain was nothing to scoff at. Ishi tried to pull her hands up and to cover her eyes but the man took his unoccupied hand and put his bare skin on her upper forearm. Acid leaked from his hand and burnt her arm. She screamed again and gave up trying to cover her eyes.

The snakes had extended trying to reach a nearby phone booth that looked worse for wear but still usable. The managed to pull it off the hook and hiss desperately into the microphone but since the 110 operator could not understand what the snakes were saying they sent a police officer out but also thought that it was a prank.

The officer arrived at the scene along with three of the U.A teachers. They were completely shocked. It was a scene of absolute destruction, acid covered the street devouring every solid object it could get its hands on, a few civilians were crying, burns of their legs, hands, feet, or clothes. And in the middle of it all was a statue and a girl. The girl was crying, tears running down her face, snot leaking from her nose. She had blood running from her suspended feet, knees, and upper arms. Snakes surrounded her form, all of them hissing at her, but not in a dangerous way, but in a way that made it seem like they were talking to her, calming her. But it didn't work she was just crying and hysterical.

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