Chapter 1: If A Boy Has Hurt You

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If a boy has hurt you, don't ignore the feelings going on in your chest. I know, you want to; you want to ignore the feelings because it makes it less real that you're hurting. But trust me, been there done that.
Put a mask on, make a tea, lay on your bed, rest your head against the headboard and feel, feel the uncomfortable jumble in your chest that won't go away all day, but that subsided when you choose to ignore it. Breath in those feelings, and when it gets hard, or too much, take a sip of your tea and feel its warmth travel down in your body. And maybe even hold your chest, and whisper to yourself "it'll be okay. Eventually you'll be okay." Because you will. You always will.
I'm not saying you don't need him don't need him. If he hurt you, you don't need him. All you need is yourself. And if you have yourself at least you can be there when you cry, wipe your tears away with your own hands, and fix your hair up with your own hands. Give yourself more credit, you deserve it.

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