Chapter 1 "Hogwarts Express"

Start from the beginning

"No you're not," Ginny says, touching the other boy's hand, which makes him turn his head to Ginny, slightly blushed. "Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood. Luna's in my year, but in Ravenclaw."

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," I quote and then sink back into my magazine, not reading but thinking about how silly a thing I had just said.

However, the others don't seem to care and they start talking between themselves. After a while, I resume my search for the ancient ruins, immersed once again. That is until the Neville boy started telling the others about some kind of plant he brought.

"It's got an amazing defence mechanism. Hold Trevor for me" I suddenly hear the boy say. I can't help but look at what he's going to do. He held the strange looking plant and pokes it with his quill. Immediately, a thick liquid spatters everywhere. Luckily, I managed to defend myself from the blast with my magazine. Everyone groans and the boy began to blabber apologies. Just as I start to clean the stuff, the compartment door opens. It's Cho Chang, Ravenclaw Quidditch Team Captain. Although we are in the same house, we're total opposites. She's funny, sporty, talented, popular, and pretty.

"Oh, hello Harry," she says, looking around the compartment, disappointment obvious in her expression. " Um...bad time?"

Really bad, actually, I thought.

"Oh...hi," Harry says blankly.

"Um... Well, just thought I'd say hello... Goodbye then."

She closes the door and leaves. Harry looks totally disgruntled and lets out a loud sigh. I could only imagine how embarrassed someone with a reputation such as Harry must feel, being seen with me and the other boy, who looks every bit as unpopular as I do.

We had just finished cleaning the goo from everywhere when the compartment door opened once again, this time by another girl and a boy I also didn't know. However, I could make out that one of them, a tall and lanky boy was Ginny's brother or relative since they looked alike with their freckles and intense red hair. The other girl had bushy brown hair and had a look of importance.

"I'm starving," He stated and immediately began to eat the candy Harry had bought. Him and the new girl started to talk to Harry until the redhead boy stated that he and the bushy haired girl were going to patrol the train, who would've thought they were prefects?

"I'll make Goyle do lines, it'll kill him, he hates writing," He continues. "'s... backside" he added with a great imitation of Goyle.

I can't help but burst out laughing. My magazine slips down to the floor.

"Baboon's...backside!" I choke with laughter.

Then Harry Potter looks up to me and my heart skips a beat, I can't really understand why. Is it because he's famous? No, that's not it.

"Can I have a look at this?" He asks simply, pointing at my magazine. I nod.

I sit there awkwardly, the only thing I had as a sort of protection against the attention of the rest now gone. I doze off into my thoughts again. Harry finished looking through the magazine and the boy, who I knew now was called Ron asked.

"Anything good in there?"

"Of course not," said the bushy haired girl. It was the first time I hear her speak and I didn't like it one bit. "The Quibbler's rubbish, everyone knows that."

I suddenly felt angry, which rarely happens, really. My father works very hard and I couldn't let anyone insult him and his magazine.

"Excuse me, my father's the editor"

The girl suddenly looked embarrassed. Ginny looks just as ashamed and Neville's eyes goes back and forth from me to the girl

"'s got some interesting...I mean it's quite..," She blabbers.

I didn't want to hear any of it.

"I'll have it back, thank you," I snap coldly, while snatching it away. I sink right back to it again, my heart beating fast with heatedness. No one else spoke to me for the rest of the trip, which was fine by me. The train finally stops and the others begin to grab their things from the top rack. Everyone starts to get out but Harry stays back, he washaving trouble carrying the owl cages. I enter the compartment again and take a cage with a small, brown owl that was hooting loudly.

"I'll carry that owl, if you like" I offer with a smile.

He looks at me for the first time and smiled back. The compartment suddenly feels smaller even though it's just the two of us.

"" he says.

He grabbed the other cage, that one had a bigger white owl. We make our way out of the train. Once outside, we make our way through the mob, trying to get to the carriages. The others were surely in one by now. The night is cold and the smell of pine rules the air. I can't help but shiver from the cold and excitement. I can't describe the sensation that overwhelmed me as we walked. Every now and then I glanced sideways at Harry. I didn't know if it was my imagination but I could've sworn I saw his green eyes move to look at mefor a second.

"What a great start of year," I think with a smile. I was at Hogwarts again and I could feel in the air, it was going to be my best year yet.

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