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At least nothing ate them while they were asleep

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At least nothing ate them while they were asleep. That had been half of what kept Applejack tossing and turning through the night, despite how pleasantly soft the bedding she had made for them was. But even without the fear of what might be lurking out of sight, she had also just had too much on her mind. If she wasn't debating if she was doing the right thing by being in White Tail Woods, she was wondering what Fluttershy was up to. None of the answers she came up with gave her any comfort.

The morning light came as a relief. Although she was often up before the sun, she had decided to wait until it was fairly light out before getting up. The last thing she wanted to do was risk getting caught by something in the dark when sunrise was around the corner anyway. But morning came with nothing more fierce than Discord's constant snoring, so she set to looking around for breakfast.

It wasn't long before she had found something sufficient. The woods were plentiful with plants, berries, and nuts that she recognized as edible. It was nice to know that if she could avoid becoming food, she could find some food of her own easily enough.

Rather than eating anything as she found it, she tucked everything away in her pack and brought it back to where they had made their impromptu camp. Discord was still snoring, so she nudged him. "Rise and shine, you old coot."

He awoke with a start, looking around wildly. His eyes eventually settled on Applejack, and he fixed her with a silent glare.

It seemed that he actually liked mornings less than he liked everything else. "Good morning to you, too."

Discord's answer was a grunt, which he followed up by rolling over and resting his head again.

"Nope! We've got a busy day ahead of us, and I'm not spending it sitting around here. So let's get up and get some food in us, then we can go find Sungrove."

Discord just grunted again.

Applejack sighed. She had tried to be nice about it, but if he wasn't going to cooperate, then she had no other choice. She tapped the barrel on her neck and poured some elixir on the ground. Closing her eyes, she willed the grass around her hooves to return to the way it had been before she had caused its sudden growth. A gentle rustling sensation around her hooves told her that it had obliged.

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