Tej came running into the room only to be greeted by silence, he couldn't see Ahan and Kayla as they were standing behind the door. Tej cautiously walked into the pool of water. Then Ahan came out from his hiding holding two electric wires in his hand while Kalya was standing near the electric box to connect these cables to generate power supply to the wires Ahan was holding. Ahan threatened Tej by putting the now non powered electric cables in the pool of water and told Tej not to move an inch or else he would power up the cables.

He immediately fled towards Kalya and asked her to get out of the room and wait for him outside. She looked at Ahan directly in the eye and he gave her a nod of agreement. She then left the room and patiently waited for him to come out. Once Kalya left the room, Tej tried to move out of the water but, Ahan was fast enough to find his movement and threaten him not move. Ahan slowly moved out of the room holding the wire carefully in his hands. Tej did not try to move a muscle as he understood that even if his hair moves Ahan would not think even for a moment to put the electric wire in the water.

Once Ahan left the room, he locked the door and threw the wire far away as it was still powered. Kalya was waiting for him at the far end of the hallway as a lookout, to see if there are no other people there. Ahan carefully walked towards Kalya so that he doesn't make a sound just in case some other people are around guarding them. He slowly walked towards her. Kalya was peeping through a wall and then she suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder. She shrieked in horror of being caught again. Ahan immediately closed her mouth with his palm and stood in front of her, calming her down by telling her that is was only him. Kayla instantly hugged him, she was frightened. Ahan was taken aback by her sudden gesture. He wanted to hug her back and calm her, but something inside was stopping him. His brain was telling him to get a grip on himself, and his heart was telling him that he needed her and she needed him. While his heart and mind were having a debate, Kalya moved back from him and looked down and softly said, " Sorry, I was afraid that it was some of the other men." To which Ahan just nodded.

He took her hand in his and told, " We have to get away from here, we don't have much time. It is only matter of time that Tej would take to reach out to his men to inform them that we escaped. Saying that he pulled her with him, trying get away from that place as soon as possible. There were only rooms that surrounded then any way they went. And it was pitch dark, making it even more difficult for them to find their way out. As Ahan way trying to find a way through the rooms, Kalya pulled him into another room. He hissed at her asking her why did she pull him here while he was finding a way out. Kayla whispered to him, " Stop hissing at me, even I am trying to do the same thing. She then pointed at something far away. Ahan looked at the direction that Kalya was pointing at, he could see some rays of sun creeping in from another room ahead. Kalya gave him a smirk and moved ahead towards that room, Ahan silently followed behind her, shaking his head. They followed the sun rays and entered a large room. It was filled with sacks on all sides. It looked like a granary, it smelled of dust and fresh grain. A small ray of light was penetrating into the room from a ventilation grill placed above the sacks. It was high up that either Kalya nor Ahan could reach.

They looked around the room to find something that might be useful for them. They could find nothing but sacks surrounding them. With no other option to find, Ahan told Kayla that he will climb up the sacks and he told Kalya to follow him. Kalya looked at the sacks aligned all the way till the roof, the though of being at such height made her dizzy. She gulped and nodded. Ahan started to climb up the sacks one by one all the while helping Kalya to climb up with him. Kalya didn't dare to leave Ahan's hand even once. She was acrophobic, she was never a fan of heights. So she concentrated on him, to move her attention away from her fears, she was observing the way his biceps flexed and every muscle that contracted, with his move.

Soon they reached the top of the sacks, with only the roof above them.

Ahan was pulling the ventilation grill so that they can escape, but Kalya was still in a daze. She observed him, the frown that formed when he tried to pull the grill, the anguish that he felt visible in his eyes, and his teeth clenched together. A metal scrapping sound pulled Kalya from her daze. It is when she realised she was about 30 feet high from the floor. This made her insides churn. She  grabbed his shirt in her fists tightly with one hand and held his arm with the other for support. Ahan looked at Kayla to see her eyes closed with fear. And her grip tightening every second.

He removed her hand from his arm and held it in his. Ahan asked her if she was alright, she simply nodded without opening her eyes. Then Ahan whispered, "we need to get out if here, this is our only chance." He asked her if she is ready, she gulped and nodded slightly. Ahan gave one look out of the grill that he has removed. It was hight from the ground level. He gave one glance at Kalya, She was tensed, the excitement he saw in her eyes a few minutes ago was now replaced with fear. She was breathing heavily, and was holding his hand tightly. Ahan tightened his grip on her, which made her look at him.

His eyes gave her the comfort she needed, the assurance she wanted. She could feel her breathing coming back to normal. She was slowly drowning into his eyes. Ahan told her, we need to jump out of the grill to get away from here. She gulped with fear but nodded. Ahan gave her one final nod and pulled her towards the edge of the grill. And in one swift move, he pulled Kalya along with him and out the grill. Kalya tried very hard to shut her mouth and not make a sound which might give them away. They landed on the hard ground with a thud. They were not baldy hurt due to the moist grass that covered the ground. They has some scrapes on their palms and arms, due their forceful landing. Ahan looked at Kayla and asked her if she was fine, she nodded and huffed she said, " Finally we escaped." Ahan smirked and said, "Not Yet."

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