Part10 trouble

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Your hanging with Your new close friend Kara at the dinner you always share things with each other and you and Chloe are still going out after a week of dating
"I can't believe people keep on coming up to me saying that Chloe cheated in the past she wouldn't do that would she?" "I don't know to be honest about others but I know Chloe would never do that to you or anyone else" "Your right it could just be a false rumour" "yeah You can't trust some people"
"I'd say" you both laugh "we should head back to Blackwell know I have class" Kara says placing the money down for the bill "okay but let me pay for the bill" "no you always pay think of this as me repaying you" "fine if you insist" you and Kara leave catching the bus back to Blackwell Kara leaves you to go to class and you walk to Chloe's house which isn't far from Blackwell you get there and knock on the door to see Joyce answer the door "nice to see you again y/n" the loud punk music blasts in your ears "you to Joyce" you smile at her "Chloe is in her room upstairs can you please go talk some sense into her y/n?" "Okay she having a moment again?" You chuckle "oh god yes since last night!" You follow the sound of the loud punk music it's gets louder and louder the closer you get to Chloe's room you knock on the door "fuck of mother I don't want breakfast!" "It's me y/n!" You shout over the loud music "come in" you see her perk up a little at you and you walk to her and kiss her cheek "so what's the loud music about is it David again?" "You know it girlfriend!" Chloe laughs "well you seem happier than before?" "Why wouldn't I be my girl is here" she gives you a cute smile "aw you melt my heart price" you press your lips up to hers "how am I so lucky to have you as my girlfriend?" Chloe says with a cheeky smile "I can't not look into Chloe's eyes most of the time she has just such pretty eyes there like the ocean" you think to yourself

Your get a message on your phone from max
Max:do you think you and Chloe could meet I need to talk to the both of you

Y/n: okay yeah where?

Max: my dorm room 5 minutes

Y/n: okay we will be right there

"Who was it?" "It's max she said she wants us to meet her At her dorm room" "but I want to spend my time with just you" Chloe pouts "This might be important she could of found a lead on Rachel amber" "huh?" "She told me that she is investigating the disappearance of Rachel" "oh okay we better get going" you and Chloe speed of to the Maxes dorm room "hey max we are here"
"Mmmh!!" You here the mumbling coming from maxes cupboard You open the door and your shocked "it's max!! Chloe help me!!" You shout getting a confused Chloe running over "whoa who did this to you?!" Chloe says "it's Jefferson we have to get out of here?!" "Where it's dark and dangerous!" "I know where Rachel is I have found her Jefferson killed her!" "Your lying!" Chloe shouts "I'm not swear down you are going to see for yourselves come on both of you follow me!!" Max shouts as she runs out the room holding your hand and you holding Chloe's you see loads of people as your running to Chloe's  truck looking at you funnily and laughing but all you care about is getting to the junkyard you text max because she had to leave you and Chloe and she has gone to the junkyard herself
Y/n: where are you?

Max: I'm near the washing machine come quickly!

Y/n: we are on our way

You and Chloe pull up to the junkyard and you both run to where Max said to meet
"Max!!?" Both you and Chloe shout in union "she has to be here?" Chloe says "look I see footprints in the ground?" "There not maxes!" Chloe says loudly but scared "who's are they then?" You feel a pinch in the back of your neck and your vision goes slightly blurred but you can still see Chloe looking around you "Chloe!" You shout enough for her to here you see Jefferson also drug Chloe and your vision goes distant and you pass out

You wake up in a bright white room on a sofa with your feet and hands tied together and max is in a chair opposite you, you start to sob "Max?"
You say unaware of where Jefferson is max still unaware of where we are then a tall man walks in its Jefferson "looks like your awake!" He says with a evil laugh "why did you do this me and max don't deserve this neither does Chloe" "oh Chloe that was a terrible accident these things do happen" he laughs "what did you do to Chloe?!" You scream in his face "let's just say she's having fun in hell with Rachel" "you ass hole your so going down or going to hell!" "You think you can intimidate me and make me untape you and max good luck" "your going to hell asshole I'm going to kill you or someone else is" you point at max "she is way out of it she won't be doing shit and I'm so sane that no one knows your here at this moment in time" he laughs again getting a little two close to your face you spit in his face "fuck you!" "No no y/n your not going anywhere I was going to keep you but not now" "good because I would rather be in hell than with you!" You shout in his face max groans as Jefferson walks back upstairs for something "Max!! Wake up" you say shouting loud but not to loud for Jefferson to hear she groans "please max I need help we need to get out of here!" You beg to her she eventually sits up and looks at you with her blood shot eyes "max!" "Uhm?" "Listen to me max we are going to get killed by Jefferson do something know!" "Huh woah I told you it was Jefferson!" "Yeah it is we need to go and get out of this soon other wise we are dead" "okay I will think of something" Max thinks to herself on how to get out of the room she suddenly come up with a plan "maybe if I go back through this picture to when Jefferson was behind you, you could kill him!" "I can't do that max!" "Your our only chance and Chloe's"
"Okay I will do it!" "But first take this knife with you" max slides the knife on the floor towards you and you bend down cutting your duck tape first your hands then feet and cutting maxes as well max stands from the chair and holds your hand putting her other one up and time reverses to you back at the junkyard you quickly turn yourself around to Jefferson pointing the knife at him "put the needle down!" You shout still aiming the knife at Jefferson "hey what do you think your doing you can't kill me I'm your teacher?" Jefferson pleads "actually I can and don't try anything stupid with me!" You move closer to him and he just starts to run away but you manage to get your grip on him and if by magic the police show up and he is taken into the back of a police car handcuffed and max walks up to you giving you a hug "thanks max" "no problem I would do anything for my besties girlfriend" "where is Chloe?" Max points to David talking to Chloe you run up to Chloe hugging her tightly and max comes over and you all hug "oh my god Chloe I thought I lost you" "don't worry y/n I'm here know" Chloe kisses you on the forehead and you kiss her back on the lips "get a room!" Max laughs Chloe playfully punches max in the arm.

They all carry on with there life's after Jefferson is sent to prison you and Chloe still going out and max is still with warren

—————————The End——————————

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2018 ⏰

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