Part 3 : the new roommate

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6 feet tall, dark hair, dark deep blue eyes lean muscular  body and a dazziling smile. This was Jake wale my new room mate . I have been living with him for atleast a week now and he is  more irritating then ever . Always interfairing always talking i cant  take it anymore . 

Next Morning

I wake up. and the 1st thing i see is or i should say the 1st thing hear is a song a 1direction song . " finally sleeping beauty is awake " jake says .

" I m  not sleeping beauty  amd shut up"  i spat , " whoa someone's in bad mood " he says , i ignore and head towards the bathroom take a shower wear a light blue top and a camel cloured shorts amd come out . " Do you listen to songs ?" he asks . For the last 5 years i didnt have a moment to do anything for my own self i always had to be on move , running , hiding , feeding  me  and spider . but before that  yes i used to love hearing songs and bieng 1d one of my favroute bands i know each and every song the lyrics come to me naturally as if they were there forever within  .  " Did you hear me ?"  "Yes i love hearing songs " ..." Then why dont you ?"  he says ."Do you expect me to carry the stereo every where i go.?" i say now getting irritated  "Ever heard of an ipod " ."An ipod whts that ?" i ask very curiously . He looks at me 1 4 5 8 9 10 seconds pass he smiles and i flush and feel my cheeks burn. "  Okay i can see you are telling the truth  i would like you to meet me in the pit at 7:00 sharp " " For what ?" i ask clearly confused " We are going shopping "with that he goes out of the door.

Shopping ?????? Why would he like to shop with me  i have been so rude to him but .... The whole day i puzzle over this not able to concentrate on any thing  finally  the time arrives .

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