What if #1

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What if Hinata woke up one day to find out that he got taller?

Like really tall...


'They say that if you wish upon a shooting star, whatever it is that you wish will certainly be granted by the goddess of stars...

or is it god...? Erm I hope I didn't offend them by assuming their gender.'

Hinata shakes his head and looks at the night sky dusted with stars. He and Natsu, his little sister, have been searching for a shooting star because, well, why not? Considering the amount of stars in the sky right now, at least one of them is bound to fall right?

"Why are there no shooting stars, Hinata-nii?" 

"E-eh?? Uhm... maybe they need some encouragement?" He sucks in a long breath before shouting, "HEY STARS, HOW ABOUT YOU START SHOOTING???"

And the stars took out their guns and starts shoo-

No uhm... that didn't happen

They waited for a bit more, maybe the stars are just shy.

The waiting lasted for a minute...

5 minutes...

10 minutes...

Hinata sighs then glances at his sister. "Maybe the stars won't be doing anything soon, we should get home."

Natsu pouts, "But you're the one who suggests we look for shooting stars!"

Hinata laughs nervously, he really did want to see a shooting star, "Maybe we'll see one tomorrow? It's getting pretty late an- SHOOTING STAR!!"

"Huh?? Where?!" 

Hinata quickly pointed at the falling star. The spectacle is beautiful even though it only lasts for a few moments. he almost forgot to make a wish if it wasn't for her little sister screaming "WISH" in his ears. 

He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and clasping his hands together like a prayer. Then he starts wishing.

He wishes for happiness, he wishes for health, he wishes for world peace and most importantly...

He wishes for height...

So he could look down at Tsukishima and be like, oh you were so small I didn't even notice you ther-

"Hinata-nii, Let's go home!" Hinata finally opened his eyes and smiled at his sister before nodding.

They got home pretty late but it was all worth it for they did see the amazing sight of a star technically called meteor now that probably crashed somewhere or could have killed people.

But let's forget about that.

What's important is that they made their wish.


Hinata woke up at the sound of his alarm. He groans groggily before making his way to do his morning routine. He starts by brushing his teeth and huh...? Did the mirror move south? How come he could barely see his face without crouching? Must be loose, it'll be fixed later, he assured himself. 

By the time he's changing into his school uniform, he noticed something weird. Is it just him or is his uniform is a bit too small suddenly? He shrugs, thinking that it must be one of the smaller uniforms his mother bought accidentally. 

It was not until his little sister pointed it out that things finally made sense to him. 

Natsu shrieks upon seeing her brother. Hinata  definitely did not scream bloody murder, he did not get startled because he is a man and a man never screa-


Wait what? Hinata blinks at her. Him? Tall? When?

That's when he noticed how close his head is to their ceiling. He blinked, dumbfound, before he slowly raises his hand...

and slaps himself...

he didn't wake up...

His mouth gaped, still looking quite shock as they eat their breakfast. His mom told him that it was a normal puberty thing, he just got hit by puberty late. He didn't believe his mother of course, I mean who would?

It was until he reached his school that the shock finally left him, pride bubbling in. He's taller! Maybe not taller than Tsukishima but still tall! He's sure that their height difference is somewhere around an inch now, with Tsukishima still being tall but hah! He can't look down when talking to Hinata now!

With this new height, Hinata could gloat about it to Kageyama so he'd know just how intimidating  he now looks. (Which is impossible cause... I can't imagine him as intimidating...)

By the time the after school practice is starting, everyone in the gym practically had their jaws hit the floor at the sight of Hinata, their supposedly little ball of sunshine. There's a reason why the word little is there after all.

Hinata stood in front of Kageyama, smirking while looking down at the raven.

"H-how...?" Was the only thing that left his mouth which is very not Kageyama at all.

To his credit the ever so salty Tsukishima is left speechless too.

Silence followed after.

It was a good thing that Daichi suggested that they practice already before the silence gets uncomfortable. 

The practiced continued, with Hinata's spikes being able to pass through Tsukishima's blocks. He earned praises from his senpai Nishinoya and Tanaka which made him extremely giddy.

He turned to smirk at Kageyama and starts to open his mouth to talk.

"Heh. Guess, I'm better than you now..." 

"Oi, He's sleep talking now, It's annoying," 

"Eh? Let him sleep he deserves it."

"Tch, look at that stupid smile in his face..."

"Tsukishima! That's not nice!"

Tsukishima raises an eyebrow at the small libero, "So?"




Tsukishima rolled his eyes and almost got tackled by Nishinoya. He narrows his eyes at his senpai, but said senpai just grins and starts trying to tackle him, Tanaka joining in now.

Sugawara sighed and turned to the sleeping ball of sunshine. He smiled. 'He must be having a good dream,' He thought. A cute innocent happy dre-

"mnn... bow to me all of you... I am now... your master..." Hinata mumbled in his sleep. Sugawara blinked slowly at the sleeping boy before turning around and walking away.

What the hell...?


I tried to imagine how Hinata would look like if he's tall. I just... couldn't do it... without laughing or giggling (I imagine it as like a chibi face combined with a tall body and... I can't, I know I'm weird). I think my sister is planning to put me to a mental hospital now.

So yeah! Erm I know it's bad and all xD Please do forgive my grammar mistakes

I'll be making some more what ifs like this one! You guys could suggest some! I'll happily take them XD

Please remember you could also request some x reader, it'll probably take a while for me to make but I'll do my best to write them! ^^

What If? ~ Haikyuu X Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now