Chapter ten:Daddy Issues

Start from the beginning

“I can’t believe it” they both said in unison.

“I said the exact same thing when I found out” I announced.

“I think you should give us the full story.” Willow suggested Emma nodding her head in agreement. Emily told them the full story as we made are way back to the manor.

We were just about to enter when Emily stopped us.

“How do you think my dad and Cole are going to react” you could hear the worry in her voice I couldn’t help the pity that reached my eyes.

“We will worry about it when we get to it.” I said trying to act strong for her even though I was just as worried.

“What if he tries to kill me” I could tell that she wanted to cry, cut nothing happened. One of the prices of being a vampire you could no longer cry. Emma put her hand on Emily shoulder forcing Emily to look at her.

“Emily listen to me we won’t let anything happen to you ok, right guys”

“Right we won’t let anything happen” I said with Willow nodding in agreement.

“So you ready to go” I asked softly, nodding her head timidly she grabbed a hold of my hand. Her grip on my hand was tight, but I knew that she was scared so I left it alone. We slowly walked in to her father’s office. Cole and Mr. Sanders were both pacing when we walked in. Their heads snapping in are direction relief washed onto their face which quickly turned to anger.

“Were the Hell have you been” they both shouted in unison. (Cole shouting at me, and Mr. Sanders shouting at Emily).

“Daddy, Bro I think you both might want to sit down for this one.”

They sat down noticing that what she was about say was going to be important. Cole looked at me hoping that I would give him some information, but I shook my head Emily had to tell them.

“Daddy I am so sorry” I felt tears prick my eyes.

“What is it sweetie” Mr. Sanders tried to grab a hold of her hands, but she pulled away.

“Well I was walking and I heard someone cry for help-“

“We all did, a wolf was dying we all went out to help what does that have to do with you?” Cole interrupted confusion clear in is voice.

“Damn” she said rubbing her eyes her hands shaking. “Who would have thought I would have missed crying” her voice shaking as she let out humorless laugh. The tears that I had been holding back fell from eyes, I felt so sorry for her she never asked for this.

“Honey, what are you talking about?’’

“Well you see that wolf you heard dying, that was me.” She tried to smile but failed, as she looked at her father hoping that he would understand.

“But how could that be possible your standing right here” her father asked staring back at her in disbelief.

“I was attacked by vampires and one of them bit me” her lip starting to quiver now.

Their eyes widened in shock they finally understood. Cole looked at me begging me tell him that what she said wasn’t true that it was all a joke, but I couldn’t. More tears flowed from my eyes as I shook my head.

“That isn’t possible.” Mr. Sanders said breathlessly, still in disbelief.

“But it is” her voice breaking, she tried to grab a hold of his hand but he pulled away.

“No, not my little girl” he shouted.

“Dad” Emily said whispered

“Tell me you are joking” he shouted lifting her off the floor shaking her. “Tell me” he repeated still shaking her harder.

“DAD, put her down” Cole yelled pulling his dad away from her.

He finally let go of her causing her to crumple to the ground. I held her as she sobbed, even though no tears came out. Cole tried to calm down their father but he was to angry. He grabbed a picture frame of his desk chucking it against the wall glass pieces flying everywhere.

“Casey, get her out of here.” Cole shouted.

I quickly got Emily out of there bringing her to her room. I led her to her bed were she quickly curled up into a ball.

“Emily, do you want me to stay with you”

“No I just want to be left alone.”

I nodded my head shutting the door behind me. I couldn’t believe he acted that way where was that man I saw early that morning the one that was calm and rational. I went down stairs to find all of my friends with sullen faces.

“They told us the whole thing” Kyle said his face drawn in. He was holding a crying Taylor. I looked around everyone had been crying even Kyle had tears in his eyes.

“What do you think is going to happen” Sarah whispered.

“I have no idea.” I answered.

I felt like everything was crashing down in one night someone’s life was torn apart. But at least I knew one thing all of us would be there to pick up the pieces.


The next morning Cole brought in the towns witch, Alicia (Yep, witches exist to) to do a check up on Emily to make sure she was actually a vampire I guess. You would never guess that Alicia was witch she looked normal. When I found out a witch was coming I thought she would be gothic or very hippie like with long skirts and long hair I sure didn’t expect to see a girl  with mocha colored skin, long black, hair wearing skin jeans and hot pink stilettos walk in.  

She went into Emily’s room an hour ago and still hasn’t come down. I was getting anxious, kept tapping my foot I was becoming fidgety I couldn’t stay still. Then finally Alicia walked down the stairs.

“What did you find out?” I said before Cole could ask.

“It is very weird I have never seen a case like this before.”

“What that mean.” Cole asked putting his hand over my mouth before I could speak.

“It seems as if the werewolf blood and vampire venom came together”

“Again I will ask what does that mean” Cole said getting impatient.

“It means that your sister isn’t just a vampire she is also shifter, she’s a hybrid"




if you want me to continue i need 20 votes and at least one comment!!!

so please do it i would like to continue :D

P.S. Thank you for reading this far.

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