Part 2

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After resting and recovering from wounds, they began to search through the granaries and the warehouses only to find that all of the grain was gone. "This means that the grain is already on its way to be distributed! What now Prince Arthas?" asked Falric.

"We must act quicker than ever before if we hope to find this... Kel'Thuzad." Arthas said with that serious determination apparent in his voice as well as on his face. The search was on for the necromancer, Kel'Thuzad, who was found after the group searched every warehouse and granary while killing every scourge they saw.

The party reached the outskirts of Andorhal with only the dimmest hopes of seeing Kel'Thuzad. In the distance the group saw a warehouse which sparked hope, and when they made it passed the line of trees the wizard in black could be seen. Falric kept his eye on the warehouse and when moving toward the necromancer looked in: empty. Falric yelled to Arthas "It's empty!" Silent rage filled Arthas' face as he walked forward with grim resolve, his eyes fixed on Kel'Thuzad. "He has nowhere to run men! Let's send these undead back where they came from!" Falric yelled as his men charged in to create the pandemonium of battle. All that could be heard was the occasional metal clash and the dull thud of swords chopping through bones and rotting flesh.

Thoughts of what is going to happen to the people of his land flashed across Falric's mind. Slowly his rage was building with every slash of the sword he made. The thought of people he had known and loved dying to corrupted grain horrified him to his very soul. He decided from that moment that he would do anything before letting more happen, even become undead himself. This moment is what bound Falric to Arthas until the very end.

After he and other soldiers took down the last abomination, Falric looked up at Arthas to see the final blow dealt to Kel'Thuzad. Raucous cheers erupted from the men. "I need to hear what he is saying! The necromancer is speaking!" yelled Falric as he attempted to silence his men. Falric's attempts were in vain, these soldiers believed the search was over, the mission accomplished. Shaking his head Falric walked towards Arthas and Jaina, away from the mayhem beginning to arise from celebration behind him.

That night was one of joyous celebration, but Falric wanted nothing to do with it, he needed to think. So he went to pull Arthas aside to speak with him.

"Prince Arthas, I know this cannot be the end. I did not hear the last words of the necromancer, but I do know that I believe that the dreadlord is still out there. We mustn't forget Mal'Ganis, we need to act quickly."

"Falric, Mal'Ganis is in the forefront of my mind. I haven't stopped thinking of Stratholme since Kel'Thuzad said his name. Our journey first continues to Hearthglen where a brief respite is necessary while we ready to go to Stratholme."

"I don't quite understand why the necromancer just let us get to him. I am sure he had known of some way to escape, it was almost like he wanted us to kill him. It is almost like this was his plan."

"Falric, this has been a great victory today. This is something I hope you understand. Ridding ourselves of the necromancer will stop further corruption."

"This day has shaken me a little bit, I apologize." Falric still couldn't wrap his mind around Kel'Thuzad's true intentions. He knew that there was more to the story than he knew; maybe it was in what Falric couldn't hear when Kel'Thuzad was dying.

"If Stratholme is truly where this dreadlord is then we need to strike at the heart. Not only that, we must hope that we reach there before the grain does." Arthas said as he stood up from the stump he was sitting on. "Now Falric, we need to enjoy this evening. And take off that helmet; you don't always need to look so... official." Arthas put his arm around Falric and forced him back to the celebrations.

Falric awoke to do his nightly rounds to make sure the soldiers were getting their rest. On one night travelling to Hearthglen, Falric noticed a fire within one of the camps and went to investigate. Not to his surprise, Falric found Arthas sitting there staring deeply into the fire. "Now sir, I know that rest we talked of earlier pertained to you as well." Falric said with a smile. "And here I thought I was in charge," chuckled Arthas. "You don't need to worry about me Falric; you know I am in training to be a paladin. I am brushing up so Uther isn't completely disappointed in me."

Falric took a seat next to Arthas and warmed himself a moment at the fire. "So just a little bit disappointed, eh?" laughed Falric. "Arthas, I know you becoming a paladin is important, but you definitely push yourself too hard. You more than any of us need rest."

"Ah, if any of you would sit down and think instead of worrying about the sharpness of your sword or the dents in your armor," Arthas said as Falric rolled his eyes, "then you may use this time usefully and wait for the warmth and comfort of a bed in Hearthglen."

"Hearthglen, I have never been there before have you?"

"Never, but I do recall meeting a paladin from there. His name was Tirion Fordring. I am glad that he is no longer a part of the Knights of the Silver Hand."

"Why, what could he have done to be exiled from the Knights?"

"I was a part of his trial in Stratholme. He was brought before us because he had helped save a member of the horde at the expense of the Alliance. He assaulted Alliance soldiers. He is nothing but a traitor."

"Hopefully the current residents are a little better eh sir?"

"Let's hope so."

Falric stood up to continue his rounds through the camp. That memory seemed to stand out to Arthas, Falric thought. Oh well, it is none of my business he thought as he shook his head and drifted back toward his tent.

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