Apple shipping call

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(I won't judge your kinks I suppose... just let me know what you want to be.)

Lovers- you are, for some unknown reason, madly in love with an apple. Perhaps it's its inability to speak? After all, plants are far better than any human could possibly be-


Best friend- you often like to confide in the Apple, even if it doesn't share the same emotions towards you. It's nice to vent when there's no one to judge.



You're sexually attracted to the Apple for some strange reason.... I won't ask


Orange lovers- you prefer oranges over apples


Worshipper - hail Apples


Smart person- you've realised that the Apple is actually the dead body of a plant that was murdered by those PeSky humans. You want vengeance-

(Anyone Who is anyone can have this)

Enemy- you don't like apples

(Hopefully no one)

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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