Chapter 18 // Josh

Start from the beginning

"Get him in the stretcher! Alright, what do we have here?"

"A guy ran over him. He hit his head really hard."

"Not only his head. His whole body is bruised."

"I see. Get him in the ambulance. Quick!

"WAIT! That's my friend! I need to be by his side."

"Sir, I'm sorry, but it's better if you don't. Your girl friend over there told us it's better if we don't drag attention to him."

"Please, I beg you. I don't want to leave him."

"We will take care of him. Now, please back off."

"Tyler, come here. Listen to them."

"Jenna, please convince them. I don't what to lose Josh."

"Now you're walking a mile in his shoes."


"Josh. It's me, Tyler. If you're hearing this, stay alive. You can do this, bud."


"We have a band to take care of. We have a friendship to take care of. You can't just leave me."


"Is it too late to apologize? I was out of my mind when I said those things to you, and I'm sure you didn't mean what you said back to the day of my own accident."


"I'm so sorry."


"Stay with me. Please."


An ear-piercing, high-pitched sound wakes me up.

It forces my eyes open, but as soon as I'm awake a bright light stabs my eyeballs. It takes me a minute or two to get used to this strange surrounding. When I assure I'm completely awake - even thought, I have to admit, a little dizzy - a sense of panic invades me.

Where am I? Why can I hear that noisy heart monitor? Is this a hospital? Are we back to the hospital? Tyler hasn't wake up from his coma yet?

I hold my breath.


I'm about to scream his name as soon as I remember everything - the road, the car, the fight - but my body seems to have shut down. Frustrated, I raise my head slowly and painfully (jeez, why does everything suddenly hurt?) and find myself lying on a hospital bed.

So this is where I ended up, huh?

I feel a lump on my left leg and when I turn my head to understand what's happening I freeze. On my side I see Tyler sleeping on top of my leg, his back rising and falling peacefully. I let out a long sigh, incredibly grateful at the fact that he doesn't seem hurt.

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