The Beginning of The End

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                It's A Secret, Chapter 1: The Beginning of The End

Her world consisted of color, but to her, it all seemed black and white. Her world consisted of a darkness known to no other but her. Her world consisted of questions without answers. Dreams with no chances of becoming reality. Passions muted by her dull world. This world would be no other than what some would call the Nightmare Realm. Or it's official name, the Realm of Dark. In such a place, lived a girl named Bethany Secret. Her family had a long history of being gaurdians of secrets, hence their last name. They had a treasure trove of secrets, and they were all hidden inside their minds. Secret keeping isn't easy though. Especially when the Council is involved. The Council was a group of people who controlled the Realm of Dark. They made the rules. Some of these rules were, as written now:

-No dancing
-No personality
-No rule breaking
-Do not question the Council
-Do not rebel against the Council
-Do not question at all. Curiosity is forbidden
-Do not disturb anyone
-Speak proper language
-Obey commands a higher class gives you
-Remain in your Demon Form
-Remain silent unless told to speak
-If you are given a task, do it without protest

There were about a thousand other things they expected you to remember. Bethany? She was a rebel. Her two other friends were as well. If you were different, there were concequences. You did not belong in this world if you were different and did not comply by the rules. Society frowned upon you if you were not perfection in the eyes of the Council. Bethany's case was especially hard. Her mother was a Council member, and eventually she was supposed to be one as well. Bethany's father, Elliot Secret, was once a council member. Something happened to him though, but only Bethany knows what. It's one of the many secrets she's had to keep. She does not wish to be held back by the council. One thing that helps her feel better are her friends. She only had two, one she met a year before the other. One of these, was of course, Angel Pastelle. She was a misfit too. Bethany was different because of her dark blue angel wings. Angel was different because she had white angel wings. Wings were abnormal. There were also family colors. Bethany had to wear white and green, though she hated it so. Angel had to wear dark blue and light blue. The colors did not match either of their personalities at all. Angel was a sweet, rebellious, yet shy girl with long brunette hair and a unique hairstyle. She had light pink eyes as well. At least in her human form anyways. Her demon form was a magenta heart with wings and a rose amulet, and a single eye with an odd pupil and long eyelashes. Bethany's human form consisted of light, long, wavy  blonde hair, dark purple eyes, 3 freckles on each side of her face, and a closed eye on her forehead. Her demon form was a light purple star with 5 points, dark blue angel wings, and a single eye with a slight purple hue, an odd pupil and long eyelashes. Their appearances alone annoyed people. That's the way it was. They would spend time with another, and Angels mother, Amilia Pastelle, taught them how to dance. The other friend was whom is now known as Mr. Unnamed. Only Bethany knows his first name, as he erased the memory of it from anyone else's mind. Even Bethany has no idea what his last name is. That's alright though. Everyone has their secrets. That's one thing Bethany truly understood. Some secrets that even the gaurdian of secrets should stay away from. She seemed to be closer to him than anyone else in this retched realm. He seemed to understand. She felt as though he knew everything, and for all she knew, maybe he did. He always knew she was sad or mad. Maybe he didn't know why, but he always knew. She and him would hang out at night. That was her favorite time. Night. As fearful as she was at night in this realm, it somehow fascinated her. Stars and the study of stars always put a twinkle in her eye that not much else could. It was at night time that she could be curious. She could be curious with him. She could ask questions and he would help answer them. The time she spent with her friends was probably the only time she actually enjoyed this dense and small minded world. Of course, she had bad times. Mostly because of her mother, or missing her father, or even because of the pressure of all those secrets. She fought alone most of the time. That's what she felt most of the time. Alone. Even though she was constantly surrounded by people, by rules, by thoughts, by sounds, she couldn't help the deep emptiness her heart felt. She dreamed of going to a place where you could have a personality freely. Where there were no stupid family colors, no insane rules. She wished to find a world where she could gaze at the stars and be unafraid of being caught past curfew. A world where she could see the flowers she heard of only in books. A place where she was allowed to give an attitude wherever and whenever she wanted. She wanted a world of color. She expressed this to Unnamed a lot. There was one particular time though, that she cracked under such immense pressure, and didn't want to wait to see that world any longer. It went a little like this:

I said good night to the stars and the moon and the sky. I said good night to the world, and expected to fall into a deep dark black, but the world never said good night back. That's because he caught me. I stared into his eyes, while mine glistened with tears, and waited for the world to say goodbye, but it wouldn't, because he caught me. I asked him why, and he said to me softly, in a whisper: "If you said goodbye to the world there would no longer be a world for you to say goodbye bye to." I went silent, and we just sat there.

She never attempted to do such a thing again. Those were when the two of them were in better, and more stable shape. There were more things to come, and more things would happen, until they pushed and pushed on them until the two of them broke. After all, all things begin, only for the purpose to end one day.

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