Honeyphos-In The Desert

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Honeyphos-Lewis and Simon

"I can't do this anymore."

Lewis slumped down into the warm sand. Simon stopped walking and looked worriedly at his friend, who was the same height as him while sat down. "What are you on about?"

"This! This whole...adventure or whatever the hell we're even doing!" Lewis yelled, head in his hands. "All the fighting, the saving, the dying. They expect us to save the world, Simon. How are we supposed to do that?!"

"Look mate, I know it's hard, but-"

"Hard?! It's flipping impossible! We're up against the most feared man in Minecraftia! We had three days to save Daisy, it's gone down to seven hours. We lost Old Peculier. How many people have we seen die right in front of us?" Simon hated having to see his friend so distressed. It hardly ever happened. Over the months they had seen Mistral City burned to the ground, along with BBQ Bay and God knows what happened to Terrorvale after they left...

Lewis had thrown himself into every task that came their way, doing everything he could to protect the people of Miecraftia. But with every friend who fell, he had become more weary. He had barely spoken since Peculier died, and Simon kept catching him staring off in to empty space, or looking at the floor with that sad, determined look in his eyes.

"C'mon, don't count our losses. Count our victories. Count the people you saved, 'cause saving someone's a whole lot harder than just letting 'em go. It's difficult to let someone die, I get that, I've been there before. But to save a life...that's somethin' special." Simon sighed and pulled an crumpled, and slightly torn, map from his pocket. The map had caused them so much trouble, it was hard to believe that an old piece of paper was in a way responsible for the events that had occurred in the past weeks.

"I didn't want this Simon," Lewis whispered in a broken voice. "I don't want to be a hero." His light blue eyes blinked back tears as he stared at the photograph now in his trembling hands. A small boy, a mum, a dad, and an older boy who stood slightly apart from the rest. A tear plopped on the corner of the picture, blurring the image. "I just wanted to make them proud. I never thought I would end up losing them by coming here..." Simon wrapped his arms around his friend and hugged him tightly.

"They still love you. Wherever you came from, there's a family who love you, and they're proud of what their son is out here doing," he smiled sadly. "They'd know that even if you couldn't save everyone, you did all ya could to help."

Two adventurers sat in the desert, embracing each other and crying tears of sadness. A spaceman gripping a photo, a dwarf holding a map. In those minutes they sat in the sand, the pair mourned their losses, but remembered their triumphs. Two men that had lost so much, but found each other in the process.

Um...So it's been a while. Hi. Writers block is evil, isn't it? I've been trying to write this for ages but I just never felt like writing. The summer holidays have just consisted of me lying in bed and watching YouTube. Now I have to do the "get ahead" work that we were set. YAY.


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