best night everrr

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Kenzie Pov
All of us get in the swimming pool and we did a lots of canonball then when we were about to take a shower lauren goes first then william then annie then me then johhny then hayden when all of us got to shower we go to the living room
and watched riverdale then we sleeped in the living room

When i woke up i saw annie cooking and johhnywa cuddling me when i was gettibg up johhny pulled me and said
J- where are you going
K- to help annie cook
J- nopee you are not leaving me here
Then johhny cuddle me thether
Then i sigh and then johhny finally woke up
J-that was the best night everr
K- yuppp
When we all finished eating all of them go to their home noww
  The awesome groupchat
K-i missed you alredy
A- metoo
K- where is junny ortiz lauren
L- idk he is nit with me
A- where is tgat boy
K- he dont answer my phone call

Where is johhny orlando or what has happed  to johnny.......  you will find out in theeeee ne t chapterrrrrrrr

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