Chapter 2: Strange And Beautiful

ابدأ من البداية

statement, trying to look as innocent as


"Boys always give me that look when I'm

around. To save them from so much trouble, I just give them my number and problem solved."

I simply nod my head hoping that the

conversation would end right then and there.

"Well, the real question is," Fat Amy continues. "Who is the receiver of that look?"

I nervously watch her plop onto one of the chairs, anxiously waiting if she has the answer to her question as well.

"If you ask me, I have an idea."

Fat Amy winks at me and I swear I got scared. I'm scared that her guess is right. And I'm scared that Chloe would probably find out.


After his basketball practice, Stan stayed for a little while in the gym and waited for me just as we planned. Back when we were kids, he has always been so obsessed with basketball. I was

practically convinced that my brother breathes and sweats basketball. Phil has always adored his athletic capability so he set a basketball court in the old house for Stan to 'practice his game'. Sometimes, he would let me play with

him. It was one of our bonding moments. And I'm glad that even after all these years he still lets me join him in his world.

"How's the Barden Bella experience? I heard you got in."

He dribbles the ball then jumps for a three- pointer. The ball goes straight to the basket. My brother then runs to get the ball back.

"And I hate you for convincing me."

He stands at the free throw line next to me and turns to give me that 'big brother' look.

"You're talented, Beca."

He hands over the basketball. I dribble it twice then shoot it. The ball goes right in. Stan runs to the ball again.

"The Captain is a bitch though," I shrug.

He laughs, "Aubrey? You don't want to mess with her, kiddo."

"You know Aubrey?" my eyes widen in surprise.

"Well," he shrugs as he dribbles the ball. "I met her more than a year ago."

"So is she always like that?"

"No. In fact, she's cool."

I scoff, "Can't imagine that."

Stan chuckles and shakes his head.

"One on one," he passes the ball to me. "Come on, kiddo."

I hold on to the ball.

"So what are we playing for?"

"If I win, you'd let me take you out for dinner," he grins at me, and I roll my eyes.

"If I win?" I ask as I position myself behind the free throw line.

"Anything you want. Name it."

"I need to borrow your car."


I take a deep breath, my eyes all focus on the basket, then throw the ball in the air and wait.

"Prepare your sorry ass, Stan."



"What are you doing here?"

Poison And Wine (BeChloe)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن