Gryffindor Common Room-3:46am, 1976

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Remus and Lily had been good friends since first year, she was the first person he felt he could trust and he seemed to be the only Gryffindor with any sense about him. They told each other everything; 

In the January of first year, Remus told Lily that he was a Werewolf, Lily hugged him and assured him that he would always be safe at Hogwarts, she could never have known just how much this meant to him. 

Four weeks into their first term at Hogwarts, Remus held Lily close as she broke down in fear that she would never be anything but a Mudblood in the eyes of those around her. 

They never built walls around each other, they were both vulnerable, both damaged. Remus and Lily alike knew that the other boys disproved of Snape, but this never got between them, they just talked about it whenever tensions were high.

On this particular occasion, the pair waited up until every last pupil had left the common room, just sitting beside one another, each engrossed in a book.

"God, I'm bad at potions." Remus exclaimed, out of the blue.

"What's that got to do with 'Catcher in the Rye'?" Lily chuckled.

Remus looked at her, almost disgruntled, for a second, clearly unable to decode his own thought pattern. "I have absolutely no idea!" he finally replied. 

The pair put their books down, too amused, and suddenly tired, to read anymore.

"How the hell did we end up staying friends? Seriously! You're the only bloke in your dorm with more than two brain cells, yet you still call yourself a 'Marauder'!" Lily had turned herself to face Remus completely, suddenly bemused by the nature of their friendships.

"What can I say? There needs to be some brains to the operation. And, just for the record, I had no part in the branding of that name." Remus was only half joking, he himself forgetting for a moment exactly why he was so close with the other boys. "But really, they're good guys, James is smarter than he lets on, Sirius too."

"Well maybe if they weren't such knob heads all the time I'd get it!" Lily was almost frustrated by the lack of maturity of the group. 

Remus could only chuckle, understanding completely what she meant. "Remus, seriously, you can't argue that they're not dicks! They pick on Snape and the other Slytherins relentlessly, they coordinate ridiculous pranks, they make it almost impossible to focus in lessons and not to mention James' insufferable flirting!"

Remus smiled-a smile that made him seem old far beyond his years. "By that logic, I, Remus Lupin, am also a dick, as is Peter." He said, almost proudly. 

"Oh, but Remus, you're not"

"No! No, I am. You really think I've never laughed at a joke directed at a Slytherin? You think I never hexed Snape's cloak over his head? Who do you think found the charm to get all the cutlery in the Great Hall to dance on the table? Do you think James and Sirius were able to single-handedly make it rain in every classroom in the school? Imagine the chaos if they didn't have my logic behind all of these pranks. When they're messing about in class, I'm laughing with them. And, Lily, I fully endorse James flirting with you."

Lily thought this over for a moment, her face impossible to read. "But, you're a decent guy! I want someone like you to like me, not  a halfwit like James! And don't get me started on Sirius, I will never understand how you could possibly like him." 

Remus almost blushed at this-they told each other everything.

"So is James. And he really likes you, like, likes you."

"If he likes me, then why does he constantly do things that he knows will upset me? The pranks, I can deal with, the attention span of a gnat, fine, but bullying Snape...he's my friend-he was my friend." Lily corrected herself sadly, not yet used to having parted ways with Snape, he was a bad guy, she had decided at last, but that didn't mean he deserved torment, especially when he was younger. 

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