Ask The Marauders 12

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Y'all best be prepared, I'm gonna sit here and binge-answer a bunch of these questions, so there's going to be a few of these chapters lmao. 

"*Hands you all PAM Cooking spray.*  Spray this in front of every classroom door. Watch hilarity ensue." - @halfnerdymagi

James: First off, what the sweet Jesus is this PAM shit?

Sirius: How much time have you spent around Lily lately?

James: I-what?

Sirius: You just said the words 'sweet Jesus', only Lily says that.

James: *aggressive blushing* Stop going off topic.

Remus: Yes, please, I really don't want to know. PAM is like, how to explain to you idiots? Slippery cooking spray, basically, as pointed out in the question, will create hilarity on our part.

Peter: So, basically we have the whole school falling all over the place?

Remus: Precisely.

James: Lets go.

*Approximately 45 minutes later*

Sirius: Okay so that is actually the best thing we've done this week.

James: I hated it.

Remus: Oh for the love of- James, will you just shut it for once?

Peter: That was hilarious.

James: It was terrible.

Sirius: James, Lily was in class, she had to leave class, she was bound to slip, she doesn't hate you.

Peter: Well...

Remus: Oh my god, shut up! Do you really want-

James: What do you mean?

Sirius: Peter!

Remus: He was joking James, Lily doesn't hate you, I promise.

James:...It was still a terrible prank, I hate muggle shit.

Sirius: That's not what you were saying after a night with Lily...

James: HEY, she's not a muggle, Lily is an incredibly respectable witch.

Sirius: Respectable? After I night with you I'm not sure...

Remus: Okay we are very much done here.

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