Chapter 1

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Walking down the halls I admire the simplicity of the blank walls around me. It felt like a new beginning, a new chapter that I'd have a chance to control.

I'm a thin piece of wood away from meeting my new roommate for the next three years.

I was breathing heavily. Not from the heat of the busy hallways. From fear. Genuine fear.

If it were a movie, the door would of been opening in slow motion, tense music building up, till I'm greeted with some sort of monstrous figure.

But I haven't just stepped into one of the next Stephen King releases, instead it looks more like the start of an E. L. James novel.

Against the black leather sofa a girl and boy we're currently battling, with their mouths. Her blonde hair was almost white, scattered across the dark sofa skin. Her body slim and lean, in comparison to the great broad shoulders hovering above her. 

I hadn't realised the small cough that had escaped my mouth until she turned her head. Her clean hair moved as if it were liquid and stuck to her heated face, the shorter strands hung forwards to hide her eyes.

"You must be Amber" her wide smile actually comes as a shock, as she's twisting and turning underneath our first flat guest, "get off me you idiot."

She quickly pats herself down, whilst taking long strides across the living room, leaving the newly confused boy alone.

"I'm Vicky but just call me Vick" her lips are still red and plumb but even still they're tugged upwards forming the warmest of welcomes.

I almost feel bad for having to correct her.

"Hey I'm Ember but close enough" I give her a small smile hoping I didn't come across rude, an obvious grunt pulls my attention away from Vicky but towards the blonde haired guy standing just behind her shoulder. "Sorry for umm... interrupting."

His blonde curls were nearly as white as Vicky's, and his eyes were almost as light, framed by graceful brows. His skin was tanned. He had prominent cheekbones and a well-defined chin and nose. Unlike many boys I'd been around back at home, his muscles rippled across every part of his bare body.

"Don't be stupid you live here too" her smile fades as she looks back towards the blonde figure, her eyes clearly rolling around, "put your top on and leave."

He equally throws back the same look of annoyance, pulling his tight grey top over his head. "Pleasure as always Vick." He smirks as he walks past, his voice almost dripping with sarcasm.

I would have told her not to kick her boyfriend out on my behalf, but from his short reply I doubt they're anything more than friends.

"You didn't have to kick him out"

"It's only Tony, he won't take offence" defiantly not her boyfriend, "I looked at both rooms when I came, and they're both pretty similar so I thought you wouldn't mind me just taking one already."

"No that's fine, which ones mine then," I scan the flat properly for the first time, seeing a small sitting area, an average kitchen and three doors all against the back wall.

"The one near the kitchen, if that's alright," Vicky looks at me for reassurance which I give her in the form of a smile.

"Yeah that's great thank you."


Unpacking all my belongings, and making sure they had a neat designated place, brought me a small amount of satisfaction.

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