"Oh my god, you're heavy!" Erica heaved before joking, "Lay off the pizza!"

Chris leaned his back in to squish her more and pretended like he didn't hear her, "What? What was that? Scott, did you hear something?"

"Nah, I didn't hear anything," He shrugged, earning him a slap from Erica from where she was pinned.

"Say you're sorry," Chris chuckled.

"No!" She shouted, even though her breath was labored from his firm back being pressed up against her.

Lisa just rolled her eyes while laughing and came over to smack Chris' arm gently and said, "Get up because neither of you are ever going to give in and the kids want to go trick or treating!"

Chris and Erica both laughed, knowing it was true so he got up before helping her up off the couch and then adjusted her baseball hat for her before fixing his own wig. They got the bags for the kids and made sure they had flashlights before Scott, Carly, Erica and Chris headed out in the neighborhood while Shanna and Lisa stayed at the house to hand out candy. Once it had grown dark, Stella grew tired and ended up getting carried by Chris for the rest of the route until the kids were tired and they took them back home to sort their candy and Chris stealing the starburst when they weren't looking.

Once it grew later into the night, everyone headed to bed and Chris drove him and Erica home. When he parked in his driveway, she took his hand and led him over to her house where the dogs were. Of course, both Dodger and Jacky tried to jump all over the humans, excited to see them home but after getting some attention, Erica took Chris' hand again and led him up the stairs toward her bedroom.

"I like where this is going," Chris smirked, making Erica laugh.

"Shut up Evans, I have a surprise for you," She told him as she motioned for him to sit down on the edge of her bed while she opened up a drawer and searched for something.

Erica had tried not to focus on what tomorrow brought. In the morning, she was driving Chris to the airport so he could head to LA for almost three weeks. She wasn't a clingy person in any way but she wouldn't lie to herself, she knew she was going to miss him terribly. Because of this, she wanted to do something special for him and had found the perfect thing.

She found the neatly wrapped box and brought it over, putting it in his lap before sitting down next to him while tossing her baseball hat off. Chris wrinkled his eyebrows up in confusion as he looked at the box and then back up at her, "What is this?"

"It's a little going away present," Her warm smile shone.

He gave her a closed mouth grin before telling his girlfriend, "You didn't need to do anything for me."

"I know, but I wanted to because I love you," She rested her chin on his hunky shoulder. "Now open it you big dweeb!"

Chris laughed at her comment before ripping at the paper and pulling the lid off the box. His blue eyes saw a leather banded watch with a vintage style Mickey Mouse on the face complete with his arms as the hands that told the time.

"Oh my god! Erica! I love it!" Chris buzzed, quickly putting it on and admiring it before he turned and placed his hands on either side of her slender face before kissing her deeply. "Babe, this is so sweet, thank you."

"I'm so glad you like it," Her eyes crinkled up in happiness.

"I love it. I'm going to wear it every day and I'm going to keep it on Boston time so that when I look at it, I think of you," He leaned over to kiss her cheek. "I love you so much Erica."

She rested a hand on his broad shoulder while the other came up to push his blonde wig off and then stroke his bearded cheek as she looked deeply into his eyes and told him, "I love you too Chris. I love you so much."

"I'm going to miss you so much," He sighed, tucking some of her curls behind her ear.

"I'm going to miss you too," Erica was being honest. "But at least we have facetime and you're going to be busy working and I'm going to be busy working on my furniture and taking care of those crazy dogs which you know you're going to get ten million pictures of by the way."

Chris let out a boisterous laugh before telling her, "Good! I'm going to miss those fur balls!"

"I almost forgot though.... I do have one more thing for you..." Erica trailed off.

He was confused as to what else this sweet woman had up her sleeve but a giant smirk curled across him lips when she threw her leg over him to straddle his lap and grabbed onto his shoulder, smiling widely as she told him, "I have to give you a proper goodbye."

Chris grabbed onto her hips and pulled her close up against him while lowly telling her, "Now this is my kind of goodbye."  

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