Chapter 2: The battle of hill 34

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Hey guys it seems six reads is to easy......... So ill bump it up to 20-35 depending on how far i get when makeing this. Well this one their is some talking about the battle feild I tried to ignore some detail.... But this one should leave you guys wanting more. ~General johnny rebel





__________________________Lieutenant Devin Armstead’s point of view_______________________

As ordered by Major Henderson and Major Sterling I Woke up at 0200 in the morning to wake up all men and begin work for the battle. At first I thought they were joking by the way they were laughing while running through the camp. But when they got to me they stopped laughing. They looked me in the eyes and said I needed to have my company start working by 0230. So I’m doing just that, the first platoons were easy. After that I had to drag the rest of the men out of their tents. We then proceeded with the orders and started digging trenches in the middle of what the battle field was to be. Around 0400 Major Henderson came running up to me along with her brother Private Henderson.

“Lieutenant have you seen him?” Major Henderson said in a voice showing that she was afraid.

“Major who are you talking about? I’ve been down here working since 0215.” I calmly replied.

“The General who else, he is not in his tent! And we have searched every line. The last line said he went down here and talked to you.” Major Henderson started to look as if she was in trouble.

“Calm down Major, General rebel was here all he asked was where you and Major Sterling are.” I tried to calm her down.

“Ok, so now where did he head after you answered him. Never mind I can’t waste time you must follow me. We are heading towards his tent hopefully we will find him.” She nearly yelled.

“Yes ma’am!” I saluted and put my platoon leader in charge of my company.

Once at General Rebel’s tent Major Sterling and Major Henderson started to freak out and ask a nearby officer where General rebel was. Mean while me and Private Henderson talked.

“Yeah my little sister is freaking out now that the general is gone. But to be honest they shouldn’t worry. General Rebel is probley working with one of the……” Private Henderson looked confused and pointed behind me.

I turned around and saw what he was pointing at. General Rebel was marching sharply towards the two Majors. His saber handle and other metals on his ‘leathers’ shining in the front. His standard cadet grey wool uniform looked as if it was brand new. The four stars on his sleeve perfectly outlined by the light sky blue around it. It was a sight that would be destroyed in the battle for hill 34. The only hill we use for a siege.

“MAJORS WHAT IS THIS BATTLE PLAN I AM HEARING SO MUCH ABOUT!” General Rebel’s voice boomed over the hills and started the enemy in to a double time (by the sound of the drums).   My heart stopped to know the plan was not ready to use and the enemy is so close.

“Here they come boys! Hold the trenches no Yankee comes near this hill!” I heard my platoon leaders yell followed by gun shots and screaming. The scream was enough to make a man go insane but not our men for they were giving the scream a long lost scream known only as the Rebel Yell.

“Armstead go to your company now. I will join you soon.” Major Sterling yells at me.

“Yes ma’am!” I drew my saber and ran to my men.

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