Natalie's Powers A/N

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            Okay so I need to explain Natalie's powers because she's obviously not invincible. Natalie has had telekinesis since she was young, that was her mutation. Now for the experiments she got super speed like Quicksilver and mind reading like Wanda.Now I want to give her three more abilities but its only can change her form and a  few of her senses nothing to OP (overpowered) because I don't want to make her too powerful. And I know she's an oc and based to experience I've never really liked ocs before so I don't want the story to be focused on her. 'Cause it's suppose to be a Wanda and Vision Fanfic.

       So her other abilities that she has gotten through experimenting is that she can turn into a wolf and a nine tailed fox,  and these just change her appearance and gives her stronger senses. Now the next one is a little out there but I wanted to add it just for fun, and that is dragon wings. Now since dragons are mythical creatures Strucker probably can't give someone a full body mythical creature form so I only chose wings. And all the wings help her do is fly and that's it.


- telekinesis


-Wolf form

-Nine tailed fox form

-Dragon Wings 


Also sorry I haven't been updating I have been swarmed school work.


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