Chapter Eighteen

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"You really like that Eddie guy, huh?" Josh asked just moments after Eddie said goodbye, insisted on not needing a ride, and walked out the door.

"What?" I asked, surprised to hear him speak from behind me. I turned around to face him. "I guess. I mean, he seems nice. Why?"

"No reason," Josh said. "Are you excited for the long weekend?"

I studied him. "Yes, I'm excited," I answered slowly. ""

"Yeah, yeah. But as soon as it's over, I'm going to have to start school. Which I'm not excited for at all."

"You'll finally get to suffer like the rest of us," Steven said, barely looking up from his book as he passed us to go up the stairs.

"Speaking of school," I said, "I'm going to go upstairs and work on homework. I have a book report due tomorrow."


Wednesday was an extra short day at school, since it was the day before the long weekend, and passed by in a blur. I was surprised, however, to see Kiana walk into Food at the beginning of my shift in the afternoon.

"Hey, Rose," she said, barely looking at me as she walked in.

"Hi," I said slowly. "What's up?"

"Just showing up for work, like you," she said without stopping.

That was right. It was just Kiana and I at Food on Wednesdays. "Right. What I meant was," I said, following her into the kitchen, "what have you been doing the past few days? I haven't really talked to you."

"School. I went to the aquarium with Max. Dance lessons on Sunday and Tuesday. You know."

"Cool!" I said a little bit too enthusiastically.

Kiana turned to me as she tied on her apron. "Rose- or should I call you Elisabeth?- I know what you're trying to get at. No, I won't tell anyone. Yes, I'm still mad. Are we done here?"

I fumbled as I tried to tie my own apron. "Yes," I said quietly. "And... it's Rose."


"Rose!" called a voice behind me as I walked out of Food a few hours later.

I turned around to see Eddie bolting out of Apples. "Hi, Eddie," I said, forcing a smile.

"I just finished new employee induction and saw you come out of Food. Oh, wow, you really look glum," he commented. "What happened in there?" he asked, gesturing to Food. Kiana pulled out of the alley next to Food and sped away. "Oh, I see," Eddie said, answering his own question. "Friends shouldn't make each other miserable. You and Kiana should really try to work things out."

"You're a lot better with names than I am," I observed. "And I know. I tried. She kind of shut me down, and then we worked almost in silence for three hours. I don't know what to do!"

Eddie put an arm around me. "I'm sure it will all work out soon," he promised. "For now, let's get your mind off it. How about I treat you to ice cream at... Barney's?" he suggested, pointing across the street to an ice cream shop I hadn't yet gone to.

"You don't have to do that," I said. "Besides, I need to get home."

"Rose, you're the only person my age who I know in this entire country. I need to keep the one friend I have. What better way than by giving you ice cream?"

I smiled. "It's a little cold and rainy for ice cream, don't you think?"

"It's never too cold for ice cream!"

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