Night had long since fallen and she was awake now, letting her eyes drift over the darkness that surrounded the motel they had decided to stay in that night. They still had about 4 hours left to drive, but Misty was exhausted and she insisted, begged even, to be allowed at least 3 hours of sleep before they had to go back out on the road again. Being the caring daughter and person that she was, she agreed, with hesitancy of course. She now sat on the curb outside of the dingy motel room, a cigarette between her middle and index fingers, letting the smoke cloud around her. It was obviously a bad habit, but one of her ex boyfriends had gotten her into it, and she found it difficult to stop after the relationship ended, so she didn't. She lifted the cigarette to her lips and inhaled the toxic gas, letting it drift out of her mouth slowly before it choked her. She held it loosely by her knee and she let the ashes fall to the pavement underneath her feet, barely even noticing that it had gotten on the top of her leather boot. The various noises from other rooms began to fill her ears, and that's when she knew it was time to go inside. She put out the cigarette and dusted her night clothes of any ashes, and she went back into the room, shutting the door tightly behind her.

At precisely 6am, the two eager women piled back into the car and went back on the road again. The weather was perfect and all the windows were rolled down, which slightly made her less nervous than she was the previous day. Her hair blew around her face and it was getting into her face, but she didn't care, in fact, she let it stay in her face because it was the last taste of summer she would be getting for a very long time.

"Looks like we're here darling, and the traffic wasn't as bad as you said it would be." The blonde teased as she pulled up in front of the university, which was congested with teenagers saying tearful goodbyes to family members or best friends or significant others. She felt her stomach twist into knots but she brushed her hair behind her ear and climbed out of the small car, finding her balance on the white pavement in front of it.

"Well, do you want me to help you go to your dorm?" Her mother offered, and she knew she should've said no, but she found herself nodding and together, they collected her suitcases and paused so that she could take out the paper that contained where her dorm was, and the classes she was required to take.

"Looks like I'm in Hall D, room 225. That doesn't seem like too much to have to fight to get to." She was proven wrong almost immediately, when she nearly got knocked over by a lone blonde who was dressed in the most provocative outfit she had ever seen in her life.

"Can you watch where the fuck you're going?" She hissed, her eyes narrowing at the sight of her. She was taken aback by the girl's rude tone, and she had no words as she stomped off in the same direction she and Misty were heading in.

"She seemed pleasant." She mused as they continued to fight through people who were clogged right in the path of where they needed to go. She laughed and rolled her eyes at the comment, but the nerves still hadn't untwisted themselves in her stomach. After a struggle, they finally arrived outside of her hall, and they walked inside the air conditioned building without hesitation.

"Nice paint job, this looks like a good place for you kid." She said from beside her, and she resisted the urge to look down at the floor. The interior was boring and plain, and she tried not to let the comment eat away at her because she knew it was meant to be encouraging, but she still felt hurt. They found her room within 5 minutes of being inside, and she took a deep breath before she turned the handle to the door and pushed it open. When she stepped inside, all the color immediately drained from her face. The girl from before was lounging on the other bed inside the small room, a cigarette between her teeth as she scrolled through something on her phone, and she cleared her throat to get her attention. She rolled her eyes in disgust at her appearance and she just ignored it, going over to her bed and dropping the suitcases on top.

"We're really proud of you darling." She said once, quietly, before she unexpectedly drew her into a tight hug. She held onto her tightly, and she didn't want to let go, but she knew the older woman couldn't stay here with her, so she stepped back sheepishly and swiped her forearm across her watery eyes.

"Have a safe trip back. Tell mom I love her, and I love you too." She said softly before she exited the room and shut the door softly behind her, leaving her with what she was sure of the spawn of satan. She turned her attention to the bags she needed to unpack, and with a heavy sigh, she began to put her stuff into the multiple drawers and closet space she was permitted, which was a struggle.

"Your fashion sense is worse than my dead grandmothers." The girl said snidely from the bed, and she ignored her once again, deciding not to give into her plea of attention.

"Not much of a talker. If I had horrible sense of style, I would want to speak to save myself, but that's just me." The girl said once more and she finally turned to her, looking at her for a few moments before walking over to her bed and sitting down to begin preparing for her classes on Monday.

"Oh so you're a geek, even worse. Why did I have to be paired with a freak?" She groaned as she sat up and leaned against the wall to smoke the cigarette that had been in her mouth since she had walked in. She rolled her eyes at the comment, but still said nothing.

"Dude are you stupid or something?" She snapped, putting out the cigarette on the edge of the nightstand and exhaling the cloud of smoke in her direction.

"No, I'm not stupid. I just don't have time to waste on attention seekers like yourself." She snapped, turning her gaze back onto her laptop screen.

"She speaks. And sweetheart, I don't need to seek attention, it naturally comes to me." She tossed her long blonde locks over her shoulder and began to furiously type on her phone, no doubt talking crap about her to whatever person she knew. She didn't care though, she wasn't interested in letting petty drama take over her life and potentially ruin her chances of graduating early, so she finished up preparations and left the toxic blonde to her own devices, choosing to wander around campus and converse with other students that were upperclassman or incoming freshman just like herself. Once she got back to her dorm room, the girl was gone, and she sighed in relief as she plopped onto her bed and loaded up Netflix onto her laptop, watching something she had seen at least 100 times to feel closer to home. She ended up going on a binge of movies she had first watched with her mothers, and she felt her chest began to ache as she finished yet another movie. She missed home terribly, but she knew she couldn't cry, not yet at least. She shook away the sadness, and watched movies well into the night, until she finally drifted off, her dreams filled with a better tomorrow and a bright future for herself.

A/N: This chapter is kinda boring and ugly, but I hope you all enjoyed it nonetheless! I decided to use ideas submitted by two readers, to which this story will be fully dedicated to. Vote and comment, it keeps me motivated to update my stories quicker!! Thank you for all of your support, I hope you all are well.


Indifference ; Zadisonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن