👓 Chapter 27- Creepy Travis

Start from the beginning

If wishes were horses...

She slept off and was later woken by a nurse.

That was when she gave her father a kiss and left.

She reached home and found her mother with Travis at the dinning table. They were eating dinner and her mother looked tired while Travis munched his food.

Travis looked up at her. "How's dad doing? " he asked, throwing her off balance.

"He's fine, I guess" she threw a confused look at her mom who nodded at her.

Thank God, he finally knows...

"I'm so sorry, Travis. For keeping something like this from you" she sat next to him, trying to touch his hand. He only nodded.

This was strange..

She looked at her mom again. She could see her mom held the same expression. It was either he knew about it all the way or he doesn't really care. The latter wasn't likely the case. Travis was everything but nonchalant about his family.

Travis had different sides of him. The happy Travis, the emotional Travis, like the one he saw the other day in tears when he missed his brother, the annoying Travis which he wasn't like around new people. The creepy Travis was new, and she didn't like this Travis.

It was better he was bowling in tears, throwing pillows and raking than be composed and act like nothing was wrong.

"Are you okay, Travis? " Wren asked.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? "

"You're acting strangely" she frowned.

"Really? " he said, grinning ear to ear. Particles of food showing.


When he finally went off to bed, Wren sneaked into her mother's room and found her not there. She heard her crying over the phone.

"I don't know if he took it well. He didn't say anything.... Yes.... Yes...... No..... He's asleep.... Wren's just behaving mature. I'm proud of her.... "

Wait, what?  Who's she talking to?

"I don't know... *cries... Alright, I'll try my best... Its not your fault you're trying your best.... You don't need to be, I appreciate your concern... "

A loud fall was heard... It was Wren. It cut off her conversation with the mysterious person Wren had concluded was Mariella.

"I have to go now,.. Its Wren" she concluded as she went to help her daughter up.

"Hey, mom." She smiled but frowns when she saw the tears in her mothers face. Which she immediately wipes off.

"Wren... " she started, her voice weak.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for all the horrible things I said to you at the hospital. It wasn't your fault dad fell I'll, and I understand you were trying to keep us safe by keeping that information from us, but u really do t have to. We're mature enough to know whatever is going on with this family... "

She was cut off by her mother's hug.

"I'm so sorry, Wren. I am. Sorry for being a horrible mom" she whispered at her back, her voice croaked due to long time cries.

Where did her all-smily mom go to?

"Are you kidding me right now? I'm okay" She assured her. "Just no more secrets from now on? "

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