Chapter 1

14 4 11

Rose up top



It can be a very destructive feeling, you can use it to your advantage or you can destroy yourself. I have no idea how to use it to my advantage so it always destroys me, and because of this hate my life will never be the same, from now on you'll know my name, my story and my first and last ever love. My name is Rose Montgomery. i'm 16 years old. And this is my story.

My life was perfect, good grades, friends,
until i lost control.They sold me, and i blame myself.


"Rose!" Yelled Mr Hendriks. My owner. I rushed to hear him and there he was sitting on the sofa and drunk. Oh no! This always means he'll have 'fun' with me and that 'fun' included blood, rope, pain and....... rape. Sign.


"Where were you?! Haven't i told you before that you will be' there and tend to all my needs!? This will be the last time that you'll disobey me!!!" He screached.

Slap, red hot pain, didnt even saw it coming i reached up and saw that there was blood gushing down from my lip. He grabbed me from my hair and dragged me to his bedroom. I could scream now and he'll be satisfied, because he always wanted me to scream and beg but my voice is the only thing that I have control over and I'll never give this asshole the satisfaction. He chained me to the bed and started whipping me with a whip which had ten long straps with blades on it, he continued whipping me until there was no space left which had not been whipped, after he rendered me helpless he raped me, i closed my eyes and took the abuse without making a sound.

When he was finished he spat

"get up and clean the house bitch " and left.

I don't know what happened but I was attacked by these dark thoughts, which I tried to keep away but now I couldn't help it, I always wondered why I just couldn't die but then I remembered that I'm just too stubborn to die and I'll never die and give the people that hate me the pleasure of seeing me dead.

You know what i'm getting out of here, I'm gonna go far away and never look back.
i tried to bandadge the slashes as best as i could and put on the shirt very difficultly, i packed the only pair of clothes that I had and the clothes that i was wearing which was only one white shirt, jeans and a black leather jacket. I scouted the house for some money and found a lot in the asshole's side drawer in his 'other bedroom' where he sleeps.


"Thank you! Thank you so so much!"

The nice lady smiled and left after giving me a ride, i turned around and saw that it was a diner, yes! I was so hungry, i went in there and saw that there were all males around here, i frowned and sat down to order something, i didn't realise how hungry i was until i saw the menu

" Hi there! What can i get you?" A cute waiter asked me

I scanned the menu and answered

"I would like a double cheese and chicken sandwich and a large sized cola"

"Ok.... anything else?"

"Umm..... oh! And the large chicken nuggets"

After he left i started to pay a bit more attention to my surroundings, i gasped when I found out that every male here was a werewolf, i started getting nervous, i was terrified that surely one of them would tell Mr Hendricks my best bet would be to eat my meal and get out of here.

"Here you go"

Thank God, i was so hungry as soon as he put down the plate i scarfed down the food, i was that hungry. Oh! I'm sorry I almost forgot to tell you how i know about werewolves? Well I am one, I have no idea what there really called but I'm gonna go with that it's probably the main reason why I was sold and for some reason the pills that the asshole was giving me had quieted my wolf, who gave me confidence, and said that i was a very strong and powerful Alpha. I just hope that the pills he gave me didn't make my wolf sleep forever.

" ahem..." a very deep voice interrupted my thoughts when I looked up i met the world's most craziest eyes, they were different depending on the light, they turned blue and then green, they were beautiful, i forgot all of my worries in that instant, but then reality came crashing back.

"Yes..?" I ask

"I would like to know what you are doing in my territory?"

"What are you talking about?" I was honestly very confused

"Don't act like you don't know anything!"

"What!?" I was now getting very angry by this sexy but phycotic idiot! How dare he talk to me like that!

He suddenly grabbed me by the arm really hard! And showed me against the wall, i whimpered because it hurt like a bitch! And I was pretty sure that my wounds opened.

Concern covered his face after he heard me whimper

"What's wrong?"

I couldn't answer because I was losing consciousness

"Hey! Wake up!!" The idiot's voice was the last thing I heard before blacking out.


Well there you have it folks! This is my first ever chapter I'm soo excited hope you like it!
Note: I won't be doing any Male povs because I honestly suck at them.

Have a very nice day/night


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