Baby It's Cold Outside

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Handsome P.O.V.

I have been called many things. A charmer, playboy, Don Juan, even to the cruder extent a chauvinist. Yes, I'm all those things most of my life but the chauvinist, maybe a little.  I never thought that I would met the lovely girl I'm with now until that night. That stormy snowy cold night...

It all began at the local bar which my sister worked at. I was just ordering my usual sangria and reading a local ad for dancing lessons. They're giving  dance lessons at the dance hall here at the hotel?

Would I meet an attractive girl there?

Baby's P.O.V.

I have been single for months and haven't find anyone. I wonder, would I encounter someone here at the hotel tonight?

I saw a tall and dark haired man by the bar. Oh, he's gorgeous and seems sophisticated. 

Handsome P.O.V.

Say there's a beautiful girl at the bar. She seems tall with long curly hair and curvy body.

I think I'll go and introduce myself.

Baby's P.O.V

Oh my, he's coming over!

"Hello there."


"What's your name?"

"Barbra, but I'm called Baby 'cause it's also my mother's name."

"Mines Harold, but I'm called Handsome by my friends." 

Baby and I talked for what seemed like hours. For the next couple of days and weeks we always met at the bar.

The following week...

Baby P.O.V.

I wonder where Handsome is today? Haven't seen him at all at the hotel.

I saw someone come towards me and it was Handsome.


"Hey, is it true it's your last day here?"

"It is."

"Well, I was thinking we could come to my place for dinner."



Oh my, Handsome is serious.

"I've suppose to visit my parents and siblings tonight."

"A snowstorm is suppose to start in a few hours, you better go see them tomorrow after it passes."

I took Baby's hand and we headed to my car.

"You don't live that far from the hotel?"

"Nope. I stayed for business meetings."

I helped her out of the car and escorted her inside.

"Now, make yourself comfortable while I prepare dinner."

Prepare dinner? Oh boy, this is a date!

A few hours later...

Handsome P.O.V.

I am so glad Baby agreed to come. I am crazy about her, she's very confident and beautiful. I hope she isn't too bothered with my forwardness.

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