Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Yue turned her head to face Didi and made a mad dash out of the bathroom.
She passed by a stunned Kido, barely awake, he thought he's still dreaming.

"Wait...wha...????" He said as his eyes followed Yue out of their room.

He stood up and went to the bathroom where he found Didi. He saw Didi's face. The guy looks like he's been hit by a truck.

"Dude, what happened? I just saw Yue ran out."

Didi turned his head to Kido. He himself is shocked. He is mortified. He doesn't know where to start. How the hell is he going to explain a bare condom in his vanity kit?!

The face of a horrified Yue kept flashing in his head.

Losing strength, he squatted while grabbing his hair.



"I hate him."

Yue has decided to cut ties with Wang He Di.

She will never talk to him any more.

He is dead to her.

That scumbag.


Her mind is screaming.


Breakfast, 7:00am

Yue is quietly eating her pancakes Tao Jie prepared when Didi arrived.

Didi was about to enter the dining area when he abruptly stopped, seeing Yue already there.

He tiptoed like trying not to get her attention but to no avail, Yue turned her head and what he saw is clearly someone who isn't very happy about what happened earlier this morning.

That was the same look Didi got from Yue when their fight lasted for a week. It was hell. She never talked to him the entire time. It was only Angie Jie who intervened because the scenes started suffering so Yue had no choice and they eventually made up.

Shit shit shit she's mad.

"Uhh, Yue...I" He stammered.

Before he could even put his plate down, Yue immediately got up carrying her plate of unfinished pancakes and went outside.

Didi was dumbfounded. The pancakes doesn't look so appetising anymore.



Didi started his usual tasks but Tao Jie noticed that he is not himself, especially after almost pouring the soy sauce before the meat. Didi never made a mistake in the kitchen so surely something is wrong, she thought.

"Hey, Didi, how are you?"

No answer. He's mincing the meat so maybe he didn't hear her.

"Didi..." she repeated.

Still no answer.

She thought of something. Something was odd with Yue too. Did they have a fight?

"OI, YUE!"

Didi stopped midway and turned his head to the entrance clearly expecting someone.

Tao Jie made a knowing smile as he put her hands on his shoulder.

"What happened between you two? I asked her a while ago to help you in the kitchen since volunteered to prepare sweet and sour chicken wings but she declined and opted to help with cleaning even if I said we're short staffed in the kitchen."

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