Chapter 2

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Didi grumpily arose from his slumber when he heard knocks on their door. He's been kicking Kido to get the door but the idiot is snoring like a bear giving birth. The poor guy was so exhausted from all the driving back and forth to the town. He checked the clock on his cell, 5:00 AM, who the hell is already awake at this time?! Something a guy in his age could never fathom unless it's for work.

He was still rubbing his eyes when he opened the door.

"What?" he said not opening his eyes.

"Good morning Didi, sorry I woke you but..."

Didi immediately opened his eyes shocked at what he is seeing. But Yue was looking down so she did not notice his stupid expression.

"Morning Yue, what's up?"

"Can I use your bathroom? The heater in my room isn't working and I don't want to wake anyone up."

But you woke me. He is somewhat pleased to know he's the person she's gone too meaning she considers him the closest to her, well, here in Arxan at least.

"Sure, just don't mind Kido, he may sound like a bear, but he's harmless."

"That was Kido? I thought there really were bears roaming around." she joked.

"Yeah well he's dead beat from all those driving."

"Figures" she said as she make her way to the room. He immediately cursed himself for not cleaning up. Their room looks like a junkyard. Well, what would you expect from two man children.

"Nice room. That's a huge humidifier, have you been taking your skin care routine seriously, Didi?" she said amused.

"My skin isn't like yours YueYue, you can basically sleep with your make up on and wake up without a fuss the next day."

"Well, that's the reason I am here, I was knocked out the moment my back touched the bed, I never had the chance to freshen up, and then I found out the heater is broken, and I would kill for a warm shower."

"Okay then, off you go. I'll just sleep some more. Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks Didi."

As Yue disappeared behind the bathroom door, Didi lay down but completely awake, too awake. His senses are in hyper mode.

Fuck fuck fuck, stop imagining her in the shower.

He looked down and saw the evidence of his "awareness".


What has Yue done to him?


After closing the bathroom door, Yue covered her face with the towel.

What are you so embarrassed about Yue?! You practically lived with the guy before especially when filming is so tight it isn't logical to go home! Plus, you're buddies!

This is no big deal plus I'll be done in no time.

But Yue can't shake the fact that something changed.

She shifted her focus on the bathroom. Random products are scattered everywhere. She recognised some of them to be Didi's; she slept in his apartment with her manager during hectic filming days several times. Unconsciously, she picked his shampoo and took a sniff. It's the same one. She decided to use it. She forgot hers in the other room. She's really not picky with her hair products maybe that's why she's losing hair these days. Haha

She reminisced those times when they hold impromptu slumber parties at Didi's apartment since his place is the nearest to the set; it became the unofficial staff house of MG cast, in which Didi didn't mind, he loves having people over. He would even cook for them, which is why it was not a surprise every one in the Inn is gushing over his cooking skills.

She remembers XiZe always dragging her to hang out at Didi's place. It was weird at first being the only girl but she had gotten used to it. They would always play some video game and for some reason, she always wins against Didi, the guy suck at playing that's why it baffles her that he spends money on those things in the first place.

The shower was quick but it made Yue feel like a whole new person. The travel and the series of activities right after she arrived exhausted her a lot. Good thing she didn't snore like Kido, or else the production team will have a reason to tease her endlessly.

She grabbed her clothes when it stumbled a vanity kit, and its contents fell on the bathroom floor.


She scrambled to put everything back when she touched an unfamiliar thing. It's rubbery and very slippery. It registered in her mind when she lifted it and due to disgust and shock, Yue...



Didi jumped from the bed after hearing Yue's scream. Kido also woke up with her scream.

"Wha...What happened?! Is there a fire?!" Kido asked, disoriented.

Didi didn't answer and rushed to the bathroom. He saw Yue, her mouth agape, holding something.

What the fuck happened?!

Didi shifted his look on what Yue is holding.


(To be continued)

Author's notes:

Thank you for reading! I have been meaning to include Xi Ze here but the (unconfirmed) news of him joining the Inn excited me a lot and inspired me to finish this chapter. This is pretty short, but I hope it will feed your delulu as much as it did with mine. 😁 I already have the next chapter in my mind, I just need to find the time to type. Haha!

- Jie

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