Chapter Seven: Sucker Punch

Start from the beginning

        I pursed my lips. I mean, I was pretty drunk. I could've just taken off my clothes and fell asleep. It sure sounded like something I would do.

        I sighed. "I have to go. I have to start training for states." I got up and looked down at him. His gaze was settled and my legs but I pretended like that didn't make me feel warm. "I'll text you later, okay?"

        Was it me, or was he avoiding looking into my eyes? I was probably being paranoid but it felt like he wouldn't meet my gaze.

        "What, do I have drool on my face? Why aren't you looking at me?" I asked. Oh god, what if something did happen?

         His dark eyes swiveled back to mine. "Oh, just used to kicking out girls after a night with me." For a moment I panicked. So something had happened? But then he grinned and said, "What can I say, old habits died hard."

        I laughed and looked for my phone. I saw that I missed a phone call from a familiar number. I instantly paled.They left a message. This again?

        "What's wrong?"

        I flinched at the sound of Beast's voice. I didn't mean to, it wasn't like he scared me or anything, but just thinking of the caller made me very unease. I felt like I wasn't breathing well and my hands started to shake.

        Lana, everything is fine. You're nowhere near him. It's just a phone call. Relax.

        I kept thinking that to myself. I was alright as long as I didn't freak out.

        Instantly Beast sat up and reached for me. I reflexively backed away. I stammered, "Sorry, everything is fine. I just have to go." I saw concern but also hurt flash in his eyes.

        I didn't wait for a response. I basically sprinted out of the apartment and into the safety of own. I looked back down at my phone again. All my instincts told me not listen to the voicemail but I guess I was some sort of masochistic person because no sooner, I had my phone against my ear. The voice was low and raspy, not like a sexy rasp, but one who has smoked his entire life. My body was drenched in a cold sweat as listened to my monster ex's voice, Kendall.

        "Hey babe. Just heard the craziest shit. Danny said you moved into some apartment. Why the fuck didn't you tell me?! You know I'll never forget about, baby. I love you. All these months away from you have been hell. I promise I'll be better. Anyway, I'll just figure out where you live from my buddies. See you soon."


        See you soon.

        I hated how just hearing his voice made my whole body shake, as if he was here with me. I've tried so hard to block out that part of my life when I moved into this apartment. Thought so hard that if I really tried that this could be like a new life. When I broke up with Kendall, I thought that that would be the end of it. He was always hooking up with other girls behind my back. I didn't think he cared about me that much. I still remember the moment I decided that I couldn't be with him anymore.

     1 year earlier

        The sun was setting and I still have gotten ready for tonight. Some party from Kendall's friend, so I wasn't really looking forward to it. I picked a mint green dress that ended mid-thigh. It really showed the contrast of my tan skin and the mint color of the dress. I laid it on my dress on the bed.

        I stepped out of my bedroom and listened if anyone was home. My dad usually wasn't here but he's a quiet guy and I didn't want to be caught by surprise.

        When I was sure no one was home, I walked across the hall and into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and let my music play on my phone. I got into the shower and tried to quickly wash my hair. I was humming so I didn't pay any attention to the floorboards creak out into the hallway. They always made noise, so what.

        I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I opened the bathroom door. The floorboards made a creaking sound as I stepped onto them. I was singing along to a song when I entered my room.

        "Hey babe."

        I jumped at the sound of the voice. Not just any voice. That voice. I turned around and saw Kendall near my dresser, standing and just watching me. His eyes slowly traveled my bottom and what used to make me feel warm and gushy now made me feel disgust and nauseous. And scared.

        I tried to shake the feeling off. "Oh hey. You scared me." I am proud that my voice sounds nochalant and warm. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

              He grins, and it's almost feral looking. My stomach turned. "Yeah sorry. Anyway, hurry up. We gotta get going soon." His eyes were still on my body though. 

        I moved towards my bed and reached for my dress. Then I felt a hand on my ass.

        "You know, we have a couple of minutes before we have to leave. . . "

        Oh god, I didn't want to. I didn't ever want to with him anymore. The feel of him on me was repulsive. After, I just wanted to curl up in a ball and just sleep.

        I tried to sound normal but I could hear the terror beneath it. "Babe, I still have to get dressed and put my makeup on."

        He was silent for a moment and I thought he wasn't going to say anything more about until he grabbed my wrist and pulled so hard, I thought my arm detached from the socket. I slammed against his chest. He pulled me back and glared at me like I was his worst enemy.

        "We. Have. Time."

        After he left, murmuring something about meeting me at the party, I was still in shock. My wrist was turning red where he had grabbed me. Tears were running down my face.

        It's not like I didn't say no. But I didn't say yes either. I wish that things were how they used to be but the drugs and alcohol changed him and he was this completely different person that I didn't know how to control anympre.

        I wouldn't try to control him anymore.

        I thought that it was over between us but he stilled called and called. To him, it was never over.

        Fuck him.

        I wouldn't get scared over some fucking voicemail. I wasn't going to be some little bitch and let this rule my life. He's already taken so much from me that I would never get back. Why should I let him take more? Life was pretty good right now and all I had to do was train, keep my grades up, and work. All I had to do was relax and wait until the school year was over and then I would go to college and start my adult life.

         I changed into some running clothes and went out for a run. I ran until I sweated out all the memories of Kendall, until my legs felt like jello. When did it get dark outside?

        I was in some park maybe an hour or two from my house by foot. I sat on the bench and just listened to the wind blow and the distant cars honk.

        I got up and started heading back.

        Wow, thank you all so much for reading my story. I've been away on a trip visiting my family in Italy and I haven't been able to update there but when I got back and saw that I've got 5k reads and just screamed in delight. Thank you to everyone for giving my story a chance and voting, following, commenting and whatever else there is. Please share my story with others and please, please, pretty please vote, comment, and like my story! Thank you so much again, love you all! 


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