note 30.

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note 30. ( June 7th )

dear Michael,

its 10 minutes before the ceremony and its been an amazing month writing these letters to you. i don't know how you still don't know who i am. i was worried that you would figure it out but you didn't. you michael clifford, are perfect and i wish we became friends but i'm a socially awkward butterfly and you are like a god.

maybe once the ceremony we can go for a slice of pizza?¿ i know you love pizza just as much as i do. you make me so fucking happy that i don't know how to explain it.

you are everything, like perfection. from your music taste ( which is amazing i made add ) to your hair.

Calum ( my friend ) was the one who got me into this secret admirer thing and i'm grateful that i have him as a friend. so you can thank him for this.


only 5 minutes and i'm getting nervous that i'm gonna trip going up to get my certificate. damn. you are looking at me.


okay it only 3 minutes and everyone is cleaning out there locker except you. i can't find you anywhere. well i guess i have to clean out mine and then go find my seat. ily michael clifford.

- xxx Luke Hemmings.

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