Chapter 4: he was a lost man

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"We're close to the house. You guys know the plan. He probably has a gun so we can't just walk in okay?"

"Yes David, we know the plan"

The plan was simple. Go to the back of the house. We studied there was stairway on the back of the house. I think that building used to be for bigger things like a place where you can learn playing instruments. Those stairs were probably the fire escape.

For us it was a beautiful opportunity to go inside without getting caught. Walters didn't expect people who knew who he was. But then he didn't know us. Of course not. Nobody knew us.

Tom would enter the room and make sure Walters didn't have a gun. David and I would sneak up on Walters and help Tom. Simple, like I said. This was one of the average missions. Not too hard. Not too simple.

"Hey guys, I'm going to shoot the target. Okay?"

"Chloe, we leave that to who's in the best position"

"But David, I'm the woman here! He killed a woman and spied on women. I have to stand up for my kind"

"Okay okay. You're right but when he does something the one in the best position shoots."

"Alright. "

When we reached the house, we went completely silent. Don't make a sound. The target can't expect you. We got out of the car and walked to the back. I had a gun in my jacket. The target doesn't get to see the weapon when you arrive. We silently walked on the stairs. Never run on the stairs you don't want the target to hear you.

Tom went first, then me and at last David. We entered the house. Pay attention to the house of the target. I looked around and saw a normal looking house. A normal house with a not so normal person. I looked to my right and saw the door of a room was wide open. I saw a tv and hundreds maybe thousands of CDs. I was sure the CDs were from women he spied on. And CD's? What's this, the 90s?

We walked to the living room. I saw a man sitting behind a desk looking through something that looked like a pile of photos. Tom went first. He walked to the front of the living room while David and I went to the back.

First, the man didn't see Tom standing there in his living room. But I saw he was kind of freaked out the moment his eyes caught something that wasn't there before, he gasped startled by the unwelcome visit.

"What are you doing here?"

I saw the man slowly grabbed something from his desk. I have to assume it's a gun. Bad Walters. Really bad.

"Can't I just visit a bastard like you?"

Walters looked confused and distraught but his guilty eyes didn't escape me. I could see it. That man knows why.

"Young man, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm just here for entertainment." Tom smiled.

"I'm not interested so go away or I'll call the police"

"Kinda ironic don't you think? Because I think I should call the police on you. What kind of pictures are that Mr. Philips or can I say M.R Walters?"

"Don't be making up lies, boy. Now get out!" Walters' hands were shaky.

"I can't. I haven't done my job yet. "

"If you don't leave in 5 seconds, I will shoot you." Dumbass, never reveal you've a weapon if you'd planned to use it as a surprise attack. Not that it would be surprising, Tom knew long before.

"That's not nice Walters. He was just being honest" I decided to make my grand entrance.

Walters immediately turned around, so he was facing me.

She can easily kill you.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum