Chapter 41

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I slowly walk into the living room and kneel down next to the couch "chez?"

She looks up at me all her makeup running down her face, tears still streaming down her face and her eyes red and puffy.

I sit on the couch and take her in my arms "Im really sorry cheryl I didn't mean it, your the most caring, loving, gentle, nicest most beautiful person in the entire world" I whisper into her hair. She doesn't say anything, she just continues to sob.

"So you don't hate us" she cries taking deep and unsteady breaths

"no of course not, I love you more than anyone in the world"


"Promise" I say hooking hooking my pinkie with hers.

"Its getting late mom we better get to bed"

Cheryl looks up at me "did you just call us mom?"

She says new tears falling down her cheeks

"Yeah I did" I smile at her and wipe her tears with my thumbs.

"Come on" I say helping her off the couch and into her bed.

I went into my room and closed the white french doors. I stared at the popcorn white sealing for a little while and I hear a faint weeping noise.

I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me but I hear it again. I got out of bed and opened my bedroom doors and realized the noise was coming from Moms room.

I walked into Her room and see her standing on the balcony. I silently walk onto the balcony and realize the sound I heard was her crying.

I walked up and rapped my arms around her from behind. She jumped and turned around to face me her eyes where red and puffy from crying again. "What are you doing up pet?" She sniffed.

"I heard you crying so I came to see if you where ok" I gently grabbed her hand and lead her off the balcony and back to her bed. I climbed in the bed and put the covers over both of us and she turned to face me "your never gonna leave us right?"

"Mom I would never ever ever leave"

Mom looked up at me and smiled, I wrapped my arms around her and rocked her slowly.

She whispered into my shoulder "promise?" Her voice laced with sleep.

"Promise" I say and she puts her head against my chest

"Goodnight mom"

"goodnight" she says and I kiss her forehead and she soon falls asleep and I slowly followed her into dream land with a huge smile on my face.

The end. I hope you guys liked this story and if you did check out my new stories "Ill stand by you" "forever and always" and "broken dreams" Thanks for reading

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