Quick Match

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When Christine finally returned to base, Gabriella hugged her tightly.

"Oh my god Christine I thought you had gotten crushed in that explosion!" Gabriella cries.

"Hey, it's alright, I'm here." Christine replies. Gabriella lets go as Sara comes up to Christine and slaps her across the face, multiple times.

"What were you thinking?! You gave me, your sister and everyone over at Maverick Hunter HQ a fucking heart attack! Jumping off the crumbling building like that?!" Sara says scoldingly. Christine sheepishly rubs the back of her head.

"Sorry..." Christine says awkwardly.

"Anyways I processed all of the battle data. Who ever would have thought that reploids could be vampires?" Sara says.

"Well, at least she didn't possess the invulnerability they have." Christine replies as the information is downloaded into her and Gabriella's data chips. Christine's Z-saber permanently turns purple and Gabriella gets a blood droplet on her X-buster.

"What's this mean?" Christine asks, noting her now purple saber.

"You can deflect shots that are fired at you now." Sara replies. "Very useful if you're in a tight situation." Gabriella shoots Christine as a joke and manages to steal some of her energy with the shot.

"Hey! Save that for one of the mavericks or something!" Christine says, rubbing the area that Gabriella hit.

"Sorry!" Gabriella replies. "Anyways, I want to test my skills, against you."

"Wait wait wait... Against... Me? Your big sister?" Christine asks. "I'm really tough."

"Yes." Gabriella simply replies.

"...Alright... Don't say I didn't warn you." Christine says.

"Don't kill each other now!" Sara calls out jokingly.

"Don't worry, we won't. I'll make sure of that." Christine replies as the two head outside and stand facing each other.

"For obvious reasons I won't be going the full hundred, but I'll still put up a good fight." Gabriella says.

"Oh you say that huh? Bring it sis." Christine jokes as she charges at Gabriella and swipes at her a few times. Gabriella backflips out of danger and fires a barrage of plasma shots but thanks to the new upgrades, Christine deflects every single shot fired at her.

"Dang! I almost forgot about that!" Gabriella snarls.

"Don't tell me you want to give up!" Christine laughs as she drives her Z-saber into the ground to try and throw Gabriella off balance with an earthquake, but all that does is leave her open to a controlling glitch shot. Christine tries her best to fight the influence but Gabriella makes Christine poke her own eyes out a few times before she regains control of herself, and by then Christine is temporarily blinded! "Why you-"

"Ha!" Gabriella laughs. "She can't fire anything so that catch pot won't do me any good." She says to herself mentally as Christine charges once more. This time, Christine uses her scythe, just coming inches away from Gabriella's neck with every attempted strike. When Christine is tired of that she switches to the twin blades and takes a look at both of them.

"Hm... What if I did this?" Christine asks herself and she ignites both sabers. "Well! This would definitely come in handy! What if I did... THIS?!" And with that, Christine drives her sabers into the ground, releasing fiery shockwaves that Gabriella jumps over without breaking a sweat. Then Christine experiments even more by using her scythe, igniting that, and then glitching herself behind Gabriella to land a surprise attack. Soon, both girls are completely exhausted as they return their weapons back to normal and head inside, flopping onto the couch as they do so.

"Wow... That was fun..." Gabriella says, tuckered out by the sparring match.

"Just imagine what it would be like if we really went all out... Man those combination attacks really tire me out!" Christine says, close to out of breath.

"...Do you really think that will happen?" Gabriella asks.

"I don't know, but I hope it never comes to that." Christine replies. "We've wrestled a lot as little kids, but I don't possibly think that we would ever get into a fight on THAT scale. Gosh I'd be debating if I really want to move forward with something like that because that would change us forever!"

"Are you girls too tired to do any more missions?" Sara asks.

"Give us a few minutes and then we should be ready to respond." Christine says, resting on the couch with Gabriella's head in her lap. True to their words, they only needed a few minutes before they were up and ready for action.

"Just in time! We've got maverick readings coming from the Michigan Stadium! Looks like star players are suffering from the Zero virus!"

"I'm on it!" Gabriella says as she is teleported onto the scene.

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