When she turned one Quil was there to help her as she staggered a bit walking.He talked to her endlessly.He sung her happy birthday and gave her a piece of cake.They sat together on the floor and Eliza took a tiny handful of cake and got up.
"Eh."Her small music like voice said as she offered Quil.He smiled and opened his hand but she giggled and crawled closer to him.She held her clean hand in his offered one and smeared the cake on his mouth.He laughed as she giggled at his face.

Alpha Ryan and his mate Alpha Female Liliana watched with King Dominic and Queen Rachel as their betrothed children laughed."It would seem we've betrothed future mates."King Dominic laughed and Alpha Ryan laughed nodding."May the Moon Goddess bless us so graciously."Liliana said making Queen Rachel smile."We might have more than one blessing.."She said looking pointedly at her eldest son Trey and Alpha Ryan's youngest daughter Beth.

Alpha Female Liliana smiled brightly and lightly nudged Alpha Ryan to look at their daughter.They all turned from Quil and Eliza to Trey and Beth as they both played by the shallow water of a pond.Beth pointed in the water and Trey knelt down and got elbow deep into the water.He retrieved a pink sparkling rock for Beth and dried it off on his jeans.
"Here you are Beth."He said softly his cheeks faintly pink.Beth smiled and took the rock.She squealed softly and then hugged Trey."Thank you Prince."She said and leaned up to give Trey a kiss on his cheek.His cheeks blushed harder and he cleared his throat."Anything for you Beth but please to you i am Trey."He said softly.
Her cheeks tinted pink and she nodded her brunette locks moving with her movement.

When Beth was born Trey was betrothed to Beth.So it wasn't unusual when Trey would opt for hanging around Beth.Prince Hunter wasn't betrothed yet but when there was a baby he could be betrothed to the King and Queen hoped they would make the right choice.Queen Rachel had him in her arms most the time or playing with his toys.

At the end of the day as Quil kissed Eliza's cheek as a goodbye, She giggled and hugged him.Her gums were bumpy as her teeth began to grow but the smile was as bright as ever.Quil hugged her tiny body back.He was knelt down kind of slouched."I'll be back tomorrow my princess."He said softly and her tiny fingers gripped his shirt her legs tiring.He smiled and helped her to sit before stealing a baby snack from the baggie he had in his pocket.

"Here no crying my Aurora."He whispered softly brushing the fallen tears off Eliza's cheeks.Aurora was a nickname he had given her.He remembered a story his mother read to his sister for bedtime saying something about the first light of dawn was aurora.How beautiful it was how bright and warming.It slipped one day in front of the Queen and he explained his reasoning for the name.He was delighted when the Queen said he would be allowed to call her by the nick name.
Eliza smiled and her bright violetish blue eyes roamed his face.She yawned softly and he smiled."Queen Rachel Eliza is ready for another nap."He said and Queen Rachel smiled in thanks."Thank you Dear Quil."She said and scooped her daughter up.Quil stood and his eyes never lost her as he made his way to his family.

"We appreciate the hospitality King and Queen."Alpha Ryan spoke softly but before any other words were spoken warriors surrounded the entrance and one ran to the King and Alpha."My king enemy witches have come with message and armed with Rouges."The warrior spoke quickly.Fear was radiating off him."What message?"King Dominic asked as he stood by Alpha Ryans side.Queen Rachel touched Alpha Female Lilianas arm and she motioned for Liliana to bring her children back in case they needed to run.
Quil stood next to Trey feeling an intense pull to protect his princess.Trey made sure his betrothed was behind him ready to throw his life for hers.He knew as much because he knew his father would do it has done it for his mother.

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