The Peacemaker of Unity Day

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"My life ended the day you were born!" Octavia held back her unshed tears before she turned to leave.

"Where do you think you're going?" He grabbed onto Octavia's arm and yanked her backwards.

"You can't keep me locked up in here forever." She pulled her arm out of his grip and pushed past between Bellamy and myself as I had made my way over to the two. I watched as Octavia stormed towards the drop ship and Bellamy stood there with a weak and tired stance. I knew he already wanted to take back what he said.

Now just realising that he was angry over Lincoln escaping, guilt started to creep up on me. But I couldn't tell him right? I looked up through my eyelashes to see Bellamy staring at his sister as she walked away from him. The pain and regret in his eyes was evident and it sent a chill throughout my body. I was going to lie to him about Lincoln. I had to.

"Adria. Jaha wants to speak to you." I heard an unfamiliar guys voice from behind me and I nodded at the boy. I then turned to Bellamy who was out of his daze and smiled sincerely before heading to the tent Raven had set up.

As I pulled back the tent flap I took in the set up. There were two chairs from the drop ship placed in front of a makeshift bench which had a screen attached along with the broadcaster. Hooked up to the rig were two headsets which I presumed was where the audio came through. I sat down in the seat to see Jaha on the screen in front of me. I put on the headset and then gave a small smile to Jaha.

"Hello Adria. It's lovely to see you." Jaha spoke in his usual professional tone, and as I stared back at the chancellor all I could see was Wells. I swallowed hard and tried to pull myself together.

"Likewise." I started.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes. As you know tomorrow is unity day. I was hoping that our ceremony could be broadcasted through to all of you so you can join in with our celebrations." He stated, rather than asked.

"Of course. I'll make sure it's done as soon as possible." I answered, hoping that Raven would be able to make something with the limitless amount of supplies we already had.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yes actually. I wanted to speak with you about life on the ground before the other members of the council will be informed." Jaha spoke calmly. I nodded, remembering the feeling that I used to bare before coming to Earth. The mystery of our planet always interested me, and I supposed many others.

"Honestly, it's been tough. We've struggled with supplies and food, as well as trying to build a stable home environment. And winter is upon us. Without your help we'll freeze to death before we starve. But the hardest part has been trying to get along. People have...died, because of conflicts." I struggled to get out with my voice cracking, as I remembered all the people that had suffered. Those two boys on landing, Atom, Wells, Charlotte, Roma, John, Diggs, Dax, even Murphy.

"But there's something down here that we didn't expect." I said, trying to draw my attention away from the pain.

"There's grounders. Survivors. And we're on the near brink of war with them. We need guards, supplies, something. Otherwise we're just sitting ducks out here." He took in a deep breath and sat back in his chair considering what I had just told him.

"The council held a meeting this morning. It was decided that the first drop ship would deport in 60 hours. I'll make sure it is heavily weighted to guardsmen." After considering his proposal I quickly agreed.

"Thank you." Jaha nodded and our conversation was coming to an end. But it was then that I remembered what I had planned earlier.

"If you don't mind waiting for a little longer, I have someone who would like to talk to you."

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