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Kitten woke to the sound of snoring. Everything hurt, he was cold, his left arm was tingling, his shirt was in tatters, and yet his brain decided that the most important thing was the snoring. He was so turned around that it took a good three minutes before he realized with a start that snoring meant he wasn't alone.

Faded blue eyes shot open. Leaned against the wall a few paces away was a man. He had a white lab coat and bloodstained black pants. The man was asleep and snoring softly.

Kitten sat up carefully. Gasping quietly as his stomach twisted in pain. He bit his lip and slowly inched away from the stranger. His back pressed against the wall. With shaking hands he reached the furthest corner and curled into a ball. Keeping a close eye on the man in white.

After ten minutes, he relaxed a bit. After twenty, he had uncurled completely and was losing himself in a forest of thoughts. By half an hour, he had forgotten there was another person in his room. At least until the snoring stopped.

Kitten sat up ramrod straight as the stranger stretched and yawned. Lifting his head he looked at Kitten. Tired eyes met terrified ones as the two looked at each other. Time seemed to stand still. And then Kitten gave a tiny cry of fear and pulled in on himself. Knees to chest. Arms over head. Eyes tight shut. Tears threatened to spill. His breathing quickened. His heart was pounding in his ears.

"Hey. Shh. It iz going to be okay. I von't hurt you." The voice was soft and quiet. Rapped in a thick accent that he didn't recognize. Kitten felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up with tear stained eyes.

"You vill be okay. Just breath. In and out." Kitten tried his best to comply. Shuddering breaths filled his lungs and calmed his mind.

"My name is Henrik Von Schneeplestein. You may call me Schneep if you vould like. Are you feeling alright? Your stitches are still in place, yes?" Kitten nodded, then realized the man might be expecting him to speak.

"Yes. I'm-" He stuttered slightly. Voice catching in his throat. "I'm alright, Schneep."

Schneeplestein starred hard at him. Blinking slowly as though deep in thought.

"Vould you mind saying zat again?" He asked. His voice was low. Filled with confusion and curiosity.

"I'm- I'm alright... Schneep." Silence followed. His eyes seemed to be boring a hole into Kittens very soul.

"Zat accent. It couldn't be... Marvin?"

As the final word left Schneeps throat, Kitten felt the blood drain from his face. No. No. No, it wasn't right. His thoughts screamed in panic. The name. The random name, brought with it a thousand reminders of pain. Blood on the back of his head. The same words over and over again. My name is Kitten. My name is Kitten.

"My name is Kitten!" He screamed in a panic. Curling into an even tighter ball. Tears streaming, unbidden, down his cheeks. "My name is Kitten! Kitten. Kitten..."

Yelling turned to quiet sobs as he buried his face in his knees. Why was this happening?

"Very vell," Schneeps low voice cut through his fear yet again. "Ve von't use zee M word zen. But I von't call you Kitten either. Zat is Anti's name."

Kitten nodded. Slowly lifting his head to look at the blue eyed man once again. "What- what are you going to- going to use?"

"Kätzchen. I vill call you Kätzchen for zee time being."

The two strangers sat in silence for what felt like hours. Studying each other. Kittens gaze fell on a bruised throat. On matted brown hair, the ends tinged with green. On stained blue shirt and torn lab coat. And on bright blue eyes that were brimming with tears as they took in Kittens shivering body.

"I'm so sorry, Kätzchen," He burst out suddenly. "I'm sorry ve didn't think you existed. I'm sorry ve didn't look for you. I'm sorry you had to go through all zis."

Tears were flowing freely now as he pulled Kitten into a hug. Kitten tensed at first, ready to scream. But Schneep was gentle and he forced himself to stay still as the newcomer apologize over and over.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So here's a simple(ish) explanation of a rather complicated plot point: In this fic, the egos are become real when their first video is recorded. Because Anti kidnapped Marvin as soon as he poofed into existence the other egos assumed he wasn't canon. And as such, they didn't think to go looking for him.

Okay. Now that that's out of the way... I'm sorry its been two days since the last chapter. I had a giant essay due and pretty much no time to do anything else. But it's out now! :) Marvin is an adorably scared fluff-ball and I love him to death. Have a wonderful rest of your day!

- Silver

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