Part 1

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Bluefur pushed through the blizzard, tears had frozen to her face and she shielded her kits. Mistykit sobbed, "Why did we leave Mosskit behind, isn't she coming with us?" Tears misted once more in the blue-grey she-cat's eyes. Her precious patched kit had frozen to death.

"Oakheart will tell you once you're older little one. I'm so sorry" She choked. She reached back and pushed Stonekit to his paws. The little tom had tripped on a clump of ice. Their pelts had begun to turn white with snow. She dragged herself to the river where Oakheart sat, his red fur buffeting in the wind. "Oakheart!" She screamed, he ran through the harsh storm and scooped up Mistykit.

She wailed, "Mommy! Where are you going?!"

Stonekit sobbed "Mother, don't leave us here!"

"Mommy you promised!"


The wails of her kits rung in her ears, she blinked away her tears and ran into the storm. She found Mosskit's body and stumbled, falling beside it. Dragging her body to the patched kit, she grabbed her scruff. Mosskit groaned and her little eyes fluttered open, looking into Bluefur's. motherly instinct kicked him and she flung herself to her paws, Mosskit screamed as she broke into a run. She was unable to speak and calm her kit, the she-kit's fur in her mouth. 

'I won't lose her again!' Her mind screamed, finding the nearest hollow to house them in. Mosskit was shivering and her pelt was covered in ice. Soon enough she found somewhere under a bush and wriggled inside, it was an abandoned fox den and was warm. She sniffed around and dropped her icy kit in the warmest spot she could find. She finally broke down into tears and buried her face in her paws. Her shoulders shivered as sobs filled the fox's den. Mosskit had passed out, but she was warm again.

Bluefur decided to let Mosskit rest and not bother her, so.. curling around her she fell into a restless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2018 ⏰

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