Falling In Love With Yourself

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"Self Love is a school, it's where you learn every inch about Yourself and decide to accept you for you, it's this schooling that prepares you to recognize true love when it appears. " Anonymous

Now that you realize that you have insecurities and that you don't love and know yourself as you should, you have to start the process of getting to know yourself. How do you love yourself ? You love yourself with how you treat yourself. The same way you spend time with someone when you are willing to know them, you should proceed the same way to know yourself, for example : take yourself to the movie theatre, to diner, go by the beach. It's important to do it alone, because if you do it with your friends you will put your attention on your friends and not you. You have to fall in love with your own presence and treat yourself like an other person. So, if you want to spend 1000$ on a Macbook Pro, Louis Vuitton Bag, and eat bread for a month just to get back on your feet do it, because you don't stay in your mother's belly for 9 months to let someone tell you what to do with your money and who is going to give you everything? Yourself.

You also have to talk to yourself i know it may sound stupid or silly, but it helps, do not think but talk to yourself, because when you think you don't give yourself room to explore different ideas, it's limits you, because you can't think about it all at once, but when you talk to yourself, you get to know yourself and start to check yourself on things like if you really need that or not, if it is good for you or not, or if you really mean what you said etc.. You also have to challenge yourself, you have to ask yourself questions you may not know the answer as "what do i like ?" or "what do i want ?" and "why ? " because the more and deeper you get into things the more you realize about yourself and the more you get to learn about yourself and your worth. Try to be the best version of yourself or become what you want to be instead of comparing yourself or your life to others.

You can also listen to people criticize, because sometimes what people may think of you collectively even if its hurt can be true, and you can work on it if you don't want to spread that kind of energy around you and especially if you don't want to be perceived that way. You have to know that you came to this world alone and when you are going to go alone, and even if you have a twin, one was born before the other, so at the end of the day you only have yourself for a reason. You can't rely on other people, and don't put your happiness in other people's hand, they will drop it, put your happiness in you.

You will be happier when you know how to express who you are, because your outside actions will be in accordances with your inside feelings and values.

To finish, let me remind you that falling in love with yourself, it's not something that happen overnight, it can take times, it can be a lifelong journey and sometimes it's harder than others. You just have to trust the process and commit.