xiii/ Retired Dater

Start from the beginning

Okay, so now I'm seeing it.

For the umpteenth time, where did Eleanor get this dude?

"Excuse me?"

"No, you excuse me," he waves a finger in the air, "how wicked can you get? You should do the right thing and help a broken heart."

That escalated quickly.

I scoff in bewilderment, but quickly get over it after all the drama that had unfolded so far in my life, "no, you should do the right thing and move the fuck on."

He gasps loudly, placing a hand on his chest, "how dare you?" he seethes between his teeth, causing a cold shiver to run down my spine, "this is all your fault Lulu!" he stands up, pointing an accusing finger behind me and earning pairs of eyes from all over the room.

I fold my hands into knuckles on the table, shame washing over me as I am once again, the centre for embarrassing situations.

"If you hadn't broken up with me and hooked up with some dirt off my sock, I wouldn't be here receiving low blows from this tramp here!"

Excusé moi?

"Oh my God, grow the fuck up!" I spit before I could stop myself, slowly standing up and grabbing my purse, I glare daggers at his lanky frame, "you're not the first person to ever be dumped okay? But I'm guessing everyone's  not surprised as to why your ass was ditched, you're clearly insane!"

He raises his hand to slap me, but my reflexes are quick to catch it. Not this time Satan, not this time.

"Keep your hands to yourself if you don't want your face shoved into your uptight ass," I warn, disdain staining my voice, while he pouts his mouth and scrunch up his face in anger, "with this attitude of yours, you're going to die alone, tramp."

I turn around to leave, catching the eyes of whom I think is his ex and shooting him a pitiable look, "sorry you ever had to deal with that," I tell him, "he should check himself into an asylum!"

I hear a loud huff and a few incoherent spew of profanities that I tune out of my ears and mind.

My tenth date, the final one of my blind dates before I retire fully into my single life of boredom — My Singledom, wasn't so good either. Because as soon as the waitress came over to our table to take our orders, he was eating her out with his eyes and I didn't fail to miss the secret exchange of his business card to the drooling waitress when she arrived with our meals.

"That's it, I am officially retired from the blind date business and let life swallow me whole," I let out a puff of air, sprawled out on Paris' bed, with her by my side busying herself with texting and smiling to her phone, "that's it life, you won! Life one, me, zero."

Paris rolls her eyes, "you have got to admit, you've got a pretty good story for your kids and grand kids in the future. Maybe even good enough to write a novel." she says, eyes still glued to the phone, before she stares into the air, waving her hand at her final words, "the ten dates." she whispers, with her eyes narrowing dreamily.

It is my turn to roll my eyes, heaving a huge sigh, "ha-ha, very funny."

"Oh, by the way, I bumped into a certain gorgeous neighbor at the gym today." she perks up, suddenly piquing my interest, "he has an eight pack!"

I groan, carrying a pillow and covering my face with it, because knowing Paris, she definitely said embarrassing things to him, "please don't tell me you talked to him."

"I did, duh." she says as if it's the most obvious thing in the World, "anyway, I told you, you were clearly misunderstood and maybe, just maybe you'd be up for an eleventh...date?" her voice growing small during the last sentence.

I jolt from the bed as a strange feeling tugged at the strings of my heart, sending the warmness straight down my stomach where flapping of butterfly wings erupted,  "Paris!"

She waves me off, "yeah, yeah, you're welcome you tomato."

I swallow, maybe going on this eleventh date with the man of my dreams whom I've clearly been avoiding isn't a bad idea after all. Especially now that Paris says that I had been misunderstood.


Sorry if it took a while to update, I've just been pretty busy with reading. And I don't even know if this chapter make the cut for being the slightest bit of okay, but I try, you gotta hand it to me.

As much as I detest my own writing, LoL. I sincerely hope you liked this chappie. Thanks maloves.

Also, a special thank you to @LilWrapper for your comments and votes. You're awesome.

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