vi/ Bitch, I thought.

26 9 44

I'm standing in front of Ajmal's white front door, chocolate flavored cupcakes in hand, heaving deep breaths and about to pee my pants.

I tried convincing Paris to come with me but she complained about how ungrateful I am.

"May I remind you that I have the calories of three cups of milkshakes a medium sized burger, and a couple of fries getting married and reproducing inside of me right now," she pointed out, "your fault, in case you haven't realised it yet. So I'm going to go sweat it out, hopefully I'd meet a hunky billionaire on the treadmill."

And I had told her that I am so done with the dates thing, so I'm going to try my luck with Ajmal. See how it goes.

She almost protested about how she saw him first, but I won because I told her he is my neighbor and he talked to me first. Also:

"Need I remind you that we almost started our romance under the stars if I hadn't been stupid enough to go to the date that you set up?" I bragged, winning the argument.

Now I'm stuck in between being a coward and being a chicken because I dared not ring that door bell. This is all new to me, not really, I had, infact dated in the past, but that was a long time ago when I was naive and inexperienced.

I'm all grown now, not naive-ish, but still inexperienced.

Suddenly, a scene from Rough Night popped into my mind, when Jess encouraged Alice to throw a ball into a plastic cup filled with beer, she did and they became the first girls to win against the boys at that game. I feel motivated.

I puff out a breath with my eyes closed and whisper to myself, "for womankind," then I kiss one of the wrapped up cupcakes before ringing the doorbell.

The door opens a few seconds later with a towel wearing Ajmal beside it, in front of me and about to be the death of me.

"Hey," he stresses, with his panty dropping grin on display again. I must say, the allure of his vamp teeth is my weakness.

The white towel hangs low on his waist, revealing milky way v lines that leads to the big prize that pops up from beneath the towel.

He has abs and let me tell you, I want to lick his pecs, and every single part on display. Normally, I would shoot daggers at Paris for uttering such gibberish, but look at me now.

His hair is damp, the water dripping down his face, his neck, on his chest.

I gulp, finding his eyes and handing the cupcakes over to him. I don't know how this is done, I think I'm already failing at it.

"Here," I smile, "I'm here to make up for last night, I feel guilty for turning down your offer to sit and chat." there would be no stuttering from me.

He chuckles again and licks his bottom lip making my teeth glide mine, as he accepts my peace offerings, "nah, no grudges here. Was just being the friendly neighbor." I nod, "wanna come in?" he stretches his hand towards the inside of his house and I gladly accept.

When I step inside, the smell of scrambled eggs and bacon hit me in the nose and I can just imagine a half naked Ajmal behind the cooker, cooking breakfast for the both of us while I ogle him from behind. He catches me of course and invites me over with a; "come here baby." making me blush while I walk towards him, wearing only his shirt.

He tells me I look beautiful and sexy in his shirt and holds my waist, my hands wrapping around his neck. He spins us around, making me laugh, before he dips his head and kisses me softly on my lips.


Reality Champagne!

"I'm sorry if my house isn't appropriate for the eyes, I'm yet to get my lazy butt to unpack all the boxes yet." it isn't until he speaks that I notice that he's right in the kitchen area of the house, getting out the toasts.

I wave him off with my hand and chuckle, "it's fine, very normal. Cool interior though, very...spacious for workouts and stuff." an image of him working out suddenly pops up inside my head, making me weak in the knees. I lick my bottom lip.

"Yeah, I can't deny it's been pretty helpful but I miss the gym." he sighs, "I'm going to visit it tomorrow though, planning on using today to take care of all these mess."

I can't stop smiling, I watch him work the coffee maker, the smell mixing with the scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Then I remember something, he said he couldn't cook for the life of him. Had he lied?

"Baby! Have you gotten the toast out yet?!" A voice exclaims from inside, my eyes widening in utter shock.

It wasn't a female's voice, no, it was a male's voice. And that is my life, ladies and gentlemen.

A look of shock appears on Ajmal's face, his mouth ajar, "shit!", before he could say another word, I am out, scampering back to my house without so much as a goodbye.

I can literally feel the heat from my cheeks right now and my heart pounds heavily against my chest, making it rise and fall as I breathe deeply. One thing on my mind only; Ajmal is gay.

Of course he's gay, why would I think that I would finally find luck in love with someone that hot and handsome?

I walk to my bathroom and look in the mirror, my palms on my cheeks as I watch the horror written on my face. Feelings of utter embarrassment and shame invades my whole body and I burst out laughing, hysterically.

Pointing at my reflection, my laugh slowly morphs into a sob, "you thought," I sniff, "you thought, you fucking thought!"

I comb my fingers through my hair and shake my head, tears running down my eyes as I break out crying, "I can't, I thought there really was a beam of hope," I stress my words, "look at you." I shrug at my reflection and dry my tears with my hands.

Okay, it's time to move the fuck on.

I quickly wash my face in the sink, washing away my recent past, washing away my disappointments and ill lucks. I shouldn't have allowed Paris to get to me about this whole date thing anyway, I knew it would never work out.

After getting dressed for work, I walk hastily away from my House, ignoring Ajmal as he calls after me. I don't want to feel embarrassed, already put it all behind me.

The recent past should stay in the recent past, even if he's still in my present. I don't care.

I'm not doing this anymore.


Don't bite my head off, I swear I didn't mean to disappoint Champagne and y'all! I'm wicked. ):

But don't worry ma sweethearts, I'll make it up to y'all with apology cupcakes! Okay, I will make it up to y'all.

Just hold on for a few more chapters, I'm sorry. *cries* HAVE MERCY ON ME.

Also, thank you @i_cheryl for your love in the previous chapters. You're amazing girl!

11th too late ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora